We are a coalition of Philippine NGOs and party-list groups formed more than two years ago to respond to the consequences of the privatization of the Metro Manila water utility. Our research, advocacy and legislative work focuses on the following areas: 1) the pricing of water and the performance of the private concessionaires 2) weaknesses in the water regulatory system and possible reforms 3) water access for the urban poor and community-based water management alternatives. During the last two years, we have organized public information campaigns on pricing and regulatory issues, mobilized against regulatory anomalies and concessionaire abuse, initiated Congressional inquiries on various aspects of water privatization, and pursued legal action against one of the concessionaires (Maynilad Water Services Inc., the partner of Ondeo, a Suez Lyonnaise de Eaux subsidiary). (Information about two pending legal suits are confidential as of this time.)
Because of the foreign partners of the water concessionaires (Suez and Becthel), as well as the global nature of water privatization, we have begun to establish linkages with international organizations working on water issues. We have, for instance, participated in the campaign to challenge the EU Water Initiative, the campaign against Indonesia’s Water Resources Law, and the campaign to take water out of GATS. We are interested in firming up international initiatives to address the issue of alternative models for water management to address critical issues concerning water access for the poor.
Recently, we expanded our membership and scope of work to include research and advocacy on national water policy as embodied by Philippine water laws and implemented by our National Water Regulatory Board (NWRB). This means that we will start to take on water issues outside Metro Manila. We are starting by investigating the 324 water permits approved unilaterally by the outgoing NWRB head in various areas in the Philippines. We intend to highlight cases where there has been fierce community resistance against private water companies granted water rights over previously communal water sources.
Bantay Tubig is composed of: Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party, Alliance of Progressive Labor, Citizens’ Battle Against Corruption, Focus on the Global South-Philippines, Freedom from Debt Coalition, Institute for Popular Democracy and Tambuyog Development Center.
Bantay Tubig has no full-time secretariat. Members work on a voluntary basis, pursuing specific areas of the water issues according to their expertise.
Coordinator: Carla A. Montemayor
Akbayan Citizens’ Action Party
Telefax: (632) 931-65-75
E-mail: carla_m0203 yahoo.com
Spokesperson: Jude Esguerra
Institute for Popular Democracy
Tel: (632) 921-8049
E-mail: jude ipd.org.ph