The main debate was about the Kyoto protocol
with the agreement from the European Union to
merger the two negotiations tracks, the Kyoto protocol
and the Long term convention (coming from
Rio in 92, with all the countries, including those,
as such as the USA, which didn’t sign the Kyoto
protocol). The group of the 77 + China, representing
all the developing countries, protested again
a proposal which would have as consequence to
abolish the difference of responsibilities between
the developed countries (the Annex 1 of the Kyoto
protocol) and the developing countries and to
abolish any kind of constraint for the developed
The most probable result in Copenhagen is today
not to have a treaty but a political statement giving
a mandate for negotiation to the UNFCCC with
tree main points:
– a clear and ambitious target for the annex 1
– a commitment from the main economies among
the developing countries to stop the growth of
their greenhouse gazes emission,
– an “acceptable” mechanism to redistribute and
transfer funds to the poorest countries for mitigation
and adaptation.
Inside the UNFCCC, different actors representing
the “civil society” are recognized as part of the discussion,
even is the final signature belong to the
states: CAN (the main environmental NGO), the
Indigenous Caucus, the ITUC (main Unions), the
women caucus, the BNGO (the corporations…),
the local authorities and CJN! (Climate Justice Now,
with Friends of the Ear th, Via Campesina, Jubilee
South, Focus on the Global South, ATTAC, etc.).
Those groups have different concerns and try to
lobby and work with states or groups of states
in order to push their issue in the discussion. As
ATTAC we should have a strategy on the main
issues we want to defend in this process, in particular
with our allied of CJN!.
ATTAC France proposed to focus on tree issues,
knowing that very important issue as the target of
reduction will be defend by a huge group of actors,
the Indigenous CAUCUS, CAN, etc:
– the acknowledgement of the specific responsibility
of the developed countries, which means all
the ecological debt issue, the transfer of technology
(as “common good” instead of intellectual
property rights), and the funds for reduction and
– the rejection of the offset, CDM and all the greenhouse
gazes markets… in this issue, CJN is the
only group to have a clear position,
– to have the World Bank and the INF out of all
the founds repartition mechanisms.
Outside of the UNFCCC, in Bangkok, Climate Justice
Now! had a strategy meeting with more than
90 participants coming from 30 countries (Argentina,
Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada,
China, Denmark, Ecuador, France, India, Indonesia,
Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan,
Philippines, Salvador, Thailand, Togo, United Kingdom,
United States). The most important delegations
were coming from India, Indonesia, Philippines,
Thailand and United States and, regarding the
networks, a strong presence of FOE, Via Campesina,
Jubilee South and Focus on the Global South.
ATTAC was represented by people from France,
Japan and Togo.
This seminar was really interesting because most
of the participants came from Social movements
or “global justice” movements, and they were really
committed to bridge climate and environment
issues with social and justice issues. It was a little
bit like at the end of the 1990 when Social movements
were entering in the field of the critic of
Globalisation in which one NGOs were until this
date the main actors (Jubilee 2000, etc.).
You’ll find on the Annex 1 the report from this meeting.
The main decisions for Copenhagen were:
– to propose to Social movements, Klimaforum,
CJA (Climat Justice Action), etc. to form a common
block for the big December 12th demonstration
under the banner “System change, not
climate change”,
– to organise December 13th an important debate
inside Klimaforum on “what is Climate Justice
From Bangkok to Copenhague
Now, and what next”,
– to be par t of the different non-violent actions
organised during the COP15 and to co-organise
with CJA the “Reclaim the Power” action the
– to support the people tribunal on climate debt.
Copenhagen, preparation of the mobilisation
The 16th, 17th & 18th of October, several international
meetings were organised in Copenhagen.
The first one was the CJA meeting, CJA is the network
which organised several international meetings
for the COP15 http://www.climate-justice-action
which planes several actions including the “Reclaim
Power” 16thof December. In the 1st ATTAC letter
for Copenhagen we included a report for the June
CJA meeting which give several information about
this network.
At the mi-October meeting several international
networks were present (FOE, Via Campesina, Jubilee
South, Focus) with different European groups
(from Germany, Netherland, UK, France & Italy).
From Denmark, several groups were there, including
Klimax and Climate Collective http://www. ATTAC France attended
the meeting.
A lot of organisational issues were discussed, and
one political issue was deeply debated: what to
do during “Reclaim Power” the 16th of December.
The idea is to have a non-violent block marching
until the fence of the Conference Area and to have
there a gathering with people and activists coming
from inside the Conference to set up a “People
Assembly” the day where the Chief of States are
supposed to arrive.
The 18th several meetings were organised with
Klimaforum <http://>
and the organisers
of the big 12th December demonstration http:// <>
During the morning a delegation from CJN met
the Klimaforum board to discuss the guidelines
(Klimaforum’s missions and political orientations)
and the declaration process, cf. attached files in
During the afternoon an open meeting was organised
to present to the international groups and
networks the preparation process:
– on food, “climate collective” is preparing thousands
of cheap meals (around 3€) accessible in different
locations in the city,
– on accommodations, there are different solutions,
some of them for the people staying for several
days (hotels, expansive, people hosting representatives
of civil society…) and for the people
coming only for the 12th and the 13th (schools
and sport facilities),
– Klimaforum venue, an impor tant spor t centre
very closed to the central station
Klimaforum program:
a/ several meetings from the 7th to the
10th to finalise the declaration,
b/ a forum with activities under the responsibility
of different organisations,
c/ a important open meeting organised by
CJN the 13th afternoon,
d/ two daily briefings, one at 11am to prepare
actions and activities during the
day, the other one from 7pm to 8pm
to have a common evaluation on the
inside process (UN conference centre)
and outside activities,
e/ several cultural activities, concert the
12th evening, theatre, cinema, etc.
12th of December demonstration, the demo will
start at the Danish parliament and will finish closed
to the Bella centre (where the UN conference will
be held), 3 people are supposed to speak at the
beginning and 6 at the end of the demo.
Chritpohe Aguiton
For more information:
_u Climate Action Network
Caucus des peuples indigènes
Via Campesina sur laConvention-Cadre des Nations-Unies sur les
Changements Climatiques