[. . .]
Prominent among the demonstrators outside the
Singha Darbar were representatives of Nepal’s
different ethnic and tribal groups such as the
Newars, Magars, Sherpas and Gurungs, most of whom
are marginalised in the current political system.
Marching under the banner of the Nepal Magar
Mahila Sangh, for example, Kavita Alemagar, a
famous singer, said Nepal’s janajatis were in
favour of a constituent assembly that would
protect their rights. "All Nepalis have suffered
a lot these past few years but now we are
conscious and alert and will not give up the
struggle till there is a new constitution."
Asked about specific changes, Mr. Alemagar said
Nepal should not remain a Hindu nation. "People
of all religions live in Nepal. There are Hindus,
Buddhists, Muslims and others. That is why the
state must be secular.“The demand for a”dharmanipeksh," or secular, state figured
prominently in the slogans of the demonstrators
on Friday.