NARMADA BACHAO ANDOLAN (NBA) to intensify the Campaign when ’Democracy’ is shying away!!
The Narmada case of 35 000 families, already affected and to be
affected if the dam is built to 122m, pleaded before the Supreme
Court of India today, by the 48 representative oustees from Madhya
Pradesh, has met with a stalemate once again. This is neither
technical nor financial, but a political stalemate. When all the
parties, including the state governments, the Union of India and
the aggrieved affected Adivasis, farmers have already put forth all
their views, facts and analysis, including the legal violations.
After our submissions, what only remains is the decision to be
made. This, as it was made clear today, will have to wait till
Monday, i.e. 08.05.2006, with no justifiable reason for this
As at today’s hearing Shri Shanti Bhushan, Council for the
Petitioners, demonstrated that the official documents including
submissions themselves, vindicate NBA’s position that Resettlement
and Rehabilitation (R&R) is incomplete and the decision to raise
the dam is illegal. Moreover, the game of numbers exposed clearly
shows the deliberate attempt to underestimate the number of PAFs
while drum beating the benefits especially to Gujurat, which can’t
be ignored. It was, therefore, clear that no one can argue
completion of R&R and compliance with the law; which implies an
immediate suspension of the work at the damsite. It is unfortunate
but also indicative of the democratic mockery that the irreversible
damage to life and livelihood of thousands of families that is being
done by the construction is still not stalled - neither by the PM,
who is authorized, nor by the Apex Court of India.
We feel aghast to know the great and unacceptable risk to human life
that the highest echelons of power have decided to take by postponing
the judgement to Monday, May 8th. We will have to wait, watch and
test the powers that are to take responsibility for justice but we
don’t think everything that is happening is just. We, on the other
hand, have to intensify the voice raised and actions taken by the
development victims all over, which will question callous politics
with all strength and conviction.
Medha Patkar
Clifton Rosario