The Thai military and Thai government deliberately used internationally banned cluster munitions in the recent conflict with Cambodia. What shame!!
The border clashes last year between Thai and Cambodian troops were part of a deliberate attempt to create a diversion from the crisis of Democracy within Thailand. The governing Democrat Party and the fascist PAD tried to whip up nationalist idiocy and cause a war over what is clearly a Cambodian temple on the border. The military installed Thai Government and the Military itself should be condemned for their actions. But what they did on the Cambodian border comes as no surprise since they are the same people who gunned down nearly 90 unarmed pro-democracy Red Shirt demonstrators last April and May. Previously, the Thai Government and Military had lied about the use of cluster munitions. Now they have been found out. They are still lying about the use of snipers to kill Red Shirts.
Giles Ji Ungpakorn, 6 April 2022
This is what the Cluster Munition Coalition has to say on the matter:
“CMC condemns Thai use of cluster munitions in Cambodia.
Thailand and Cambodia should join global treaty banning cluster munitions.
(Geneva, 6 April 2011) - Based on two separate on-site investigations, the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) has concluded that Thailand used cluster munitions on Cambodian territory during the February 2011 border conflict. Thai officials confirmed the use of cluster munitions in a meeting with the CMC on 5 April.
This is the first use of cluster munitions anywhere in the world since the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force and became binding international law. The CMC condemns any use of cluster munitions, and urges Thailand and Cambodia to immediately commit to no future use and to accede to the global treaty banning the weapons.”
“It’s appalling that any country would resort to using cluster munitions after the international community banned them,” said Laura Cheeseman, director of the CMC.
“Thailand has been a leader in the global ban on antipersonnel mines, and it is unconscionable that it used banned weapons that indiscriminately kill and injure civilians in a similar manner.”
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