Gilani’s departure from power reflects the deep crisis of Pakistani capitalist state. The infighting of state institutions does not bring any relief for the masses, it complicates the matters further. The departure of Gilani will solve nothing but deepen the crisis further. The real issues of the masses are not addressed by any institutions of the state. The apparent efforts by Supreme Court of Pakistan to reform the capitalist system will not go very far. It will result in further infighting of the ruling elite in Pakistan.
Gilani’s departure at a time of extreme unpopularity of PPP government meant the acceptance of the Supreme Court decision by majority of the people of Pakistan without questioning the real motives behind the move.
While noting the point that the Supreme Court has not bundled home the elected parliament as was the case in the past in several military take-overs, but removed the Prime Minister and asked President to proceed according to the constitution to nominate a new prime minister, attitude of the Supreme Court towards the other sections of the ruling elite, who are as corrupt as the section currently in power, needs nevertheless to be questioned.
The corruption of the army generals, bureaucrats and judges themselves has not been pursued by the Supreme Court during the last few years. Although the cases of missing persons have been taken up, however, that task too has been left half-way without recovering most of the missing persons. The Supreme Court is quick to take up cases against the PPP leaders but are quite reluctant to take cases involving leaders of other parties of the rich.
Supreme Court is good at some social issues but the class exploitation by the majority of the ruling elite is left intact. Labour laws are violated in every corner of Pakistan by most of the factories and institutions established by elite actors. That aspect is totally ignored.
Labour Party Pakistan is worried that this move may be a step towards unconstitutional measures in the future. LPP will fight along with other forces against any undemocratic move. It is totally opposed to any possible unconstitutional transitional government to exploit the politico-economic crises that the Pakistani state is facing at present. No unelected government can solve the basic problems of the masses.
We have been very critical about the PPP government which is one of the most unpopular civilian governments in our history. That does not mean that LPP would welcome any unconstitutional step - even to remove an unpopular government.Only the people of Pakistan, acting through their representatives in the elected assemblies, have the right to remove this government, not the praetorian Deep State.
LPP will mobalise masses in the streets to force the present government to call for an immediate general elections for a new constituent assembly, a constitution that should guarantee the basic minimum social and economical rights of the people and equal treatment of all the nationalities living within Pakistan.
Labour Party demands an immediate halt to all military operations - public and secret – in Baluchistan, Sindh and other parts of Pakistan. It demands nationalization of all the so-called independent power plants to effectively address the electricity crisis. It demands non-payment of foreign debts and a drastic cut in military expenditure.
LPP demands that at least 10 percent of the national budget be spent on education and at least five percent on health. LPP demands a minimum wage of Rs. 20,000 per month for a 40 hour work week and at least 10,000 Rupees as unemployment benefits for all unemployed adults. LPP will fight for the real issues of the masses and will not indulge in advising one or the other section of the ruling class in their internal fights.