On 25 June, Turkish police detained 71 trade union members and leaders in around 20 cities. They are members of the ITUC-affiliated Confederation of Public Sector Workers’ Unions (KESK) and the KESK-affiliated unions such as BTS, Tarim Orkam-Sen, Egitim-Sen, SES, Tum Bel-Sen, BES, ESM and Haber-Sen. The police raided the union offices and houses of trade unionists in the early hours of the day. This attack – carried out under the pretext of an operation against an illegal terrorist organisation – is the latest in a number of acts of intimidation and harassment against trade unions and their members during the years under the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). For example, in February this year, 15 women leaders and activists of a number of KESK-affiliated unions were arrested. While the first link between Turkey’s trade unions and any real or perceived terrorist organisation has yet to be found, the authorities leave no opportunity untapped to refer to such an alleged link as an excuse for harsh and arbitrary repression. Join the ITUC and Global Union Federations such as EI, ITF and PSI in condemning these anti-union harassment tactics by sending this message to Prime Minister Erdogan, urging him to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of all 71 detained trade unionists.
Go to: http://www.labourstartcampaigns.net/show_campaign.cgi?c=1466
Prime Minister,
I am writing to you to condemn the full-scale attacks against the Confederation of Public Sector Workers’ Unions (KESK) and a number of its affiliated unions which took place on 25 June where 71 trade union members and leaders were detained in around 20 cities after the police raided the union offices and houses of unionists. This attack – carried out under the pretext of an operation against an illegal terrorist organisation – is the latest in a number of acts of harassment against trade unions and their leaders. In February 2012, 15 women leaders and activists of a number of KESK-affiliated unions were arrested as part of a so-called police investigation. The abuse of the legal system to undermine trade union rights is a serious infringement of Convention 87 on Freedom of Association, which your country has ratified. I urge your government to immediately and unconditionally release all detained trade unionists.
Yours sincerely,