Press release
#ChangeEurope & #EuroMarchas2015 Coalition
European Marches, October 1 to 15 - Actions Days, October 15, 16 & 17
Brussels, 30th September 2015
This Thursday 1st of October, Marches will start in Cadiz, Spain, direction Brussels where they will arrive on 15th of October for three days of actions (in Brussels and Namur).
Next week other marches will start from Greece (through Italy), from Irelqnd (through UK), from Germany, Italy and Romania. These Marches and actions are supported by a large European coalition* and will denounce the inhuman, anti-social and undemocratic policies of the EU Institutions.
The slogan, OXI! – Basta! – Enough! Let’s build another Europe! is a call for equality, social and labour rights and real democracy ! A call for European solution at the debt challenge! A call for climate justice and peasant agriculture!
The Coalition denounces:
− free trade agreements (TTIP, CETA, TISA, ACE, APE, TTP and others) that destroy democracy and the planet, serving only the interests of multinational corporations and aiming to endorse their power!
− European migration policy (Frontex, Dublin II) that ignores and/or violates human rights of hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants. By doing so, the EU politcy practically accepts the fact that more than 20.000 people have died already, on their attempt to seek safety in Europe. We oppose all forms of racism.
− social dumping, low wages, practica, mini jobs and precarious employment, among other anti-social tools, that weaken social rights. We denounce austerity and precarity.
− tax heavens and fiscal competitiveness, that lead to lower taxation for multinational corporations and the financial sector, while weakening the capacity of the States to respond to social needs. This fiscal framework forces States into debt, which is used as a vehicle to justify austerity.
− all policies that destroy our planet, climate and peasant agriculture, in favor only of the interests of big agro-buisiness.
Numerous activities around Europe
A public event on September 30th in Cadiz will mark the beginning of the #EuroMarchas2015. The Spanish marches start on the 1st of October in Spain, to reach Brussels on October the 15th. During the marches, public actions will take place in more than 35 cities like Gibraltar, Zaragossa, Madrid, Barcelona, Andorra, Luxemburg, London, Gent, Metz, Liege, Namur, Paris, Calais a.a.
Brussels October 15th: Arrival of the European Marches in Brussels
Our goal this day is to circle the EU Council Summit, that will convene on migrations and economic governance. We consider that the EU has completely failed on both those issues. Moreover, Commission is still pushing for Free Trade agreements.
They are destroying our rights and democracy : we’ll circle their Summit.
Action days in Brussels and Namur: October 13-17 - Complete program:
Additional informations and latest updates
on Twitter the campaign run with the hashtags:
#OX15 #ChangeEurope and #EuroMarchas2015
Facebook OX15
→ for Brussels and Namur:
Felipe van Keirsbilck – French/English
+32 478 29 59 50
Sebastian Franco – French/Spanish/English/Italian
+32 488 15 02 16
Thomas Occupy – German/English
+49 157 79 72 44 87
→ for #EuroMarchas2015
Pedro Arrojo – English/Spanish/French
+34 669 44 21 23
* Europe : EuroMarchas 2015, Alter Summit, ATTAC-Europe, European Coordination Via Campesina, Blockupy, Corporate Europe Observatory, Transform Europe, CADTM Europe, Transnational Institute (TNI) Belgium : Acteurs des Temps Présents, Alliance D19-20, Mouvement Agriculture Paysanne, Belgian Anti-Poverty Network, Climate Express, Hard boven Hart, Tout Autre Chose, No Transat, MOC, Réseau Wallon de lutte contre la Pauvreté, Maison du Peuple d’Europe, Attac Wallonie Bruxelles, CNAPD, Pour (pour écrire la liberté), LEF-FGE , Vie Féminine, CGSP Wallone, Centrale Générale – FGTB , Centrale Nationale des Employés – CNE, Forum bruxellois de Lutte contre la Pauvreté, Masereelfonds, Quinoa asbl, FGTB Wallone, Union Syndicale Etudiante, Jeunes FGTB, Vrede Spain Comité de organizacion de las EuroMarchas 2015 :15M, 15M Solfónica, Acción en RED ; Alianza contra la Pobreza, Anticapitalistas, ATTAC, Autoconsulta CIUDADANA, Campamento DIGNIDAD – Extremadura, Campaña NO al TTIP, CGT Confederal, Confederación Intersindical, Coordinadora ONGs Solidarias , Cristianos de Base, Cristianos por el Socialismo, Ecologistas en Acción, EQUO, FC-SM Frente Cívico, FRAVM Federación de Asociaciones de Vecinos – Madrid, Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya , Intersindical Valenciana, IU Federal, Izquierda – Ezkerra (IU Nafarroa) y Batzarre, Marchas de la DIGNIDAD 22M, Marea Básica, Mundo sin Guerras y sin Violencia, PCE, Plataforma contra privatización CYII, Plataforma por una Banca Pública, PODEMOS, PROCÉS CONSTITUENT, RAP (agua pública), Recortes Cero, SAT Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores, Confederación Interdindical Galega (Galicia) France Comité français d’organisation des Marches : AC !, APEIS, Attac, CADTM, Convergence nationale des collectifs de défense et de développement des services publics, Des ponts pas des murs, Espaces Marx, Les efFRONTé-e-s, Fondation Copernic, IPAM, Marches européennes, MNCP, CNT-Solidarité ouvrière, Confédération paysanne, FSU, Union syndicale Solidaires Avec le soutien de : Ensemble, NPA, PCF Germany : ATTAC-Deutschland, FrauenLandesarbeitsgemeinschaft in der Partei DIE LINKE (DE) Portugal Habita - Associação pelo direito à habitação e à cidade Poland : ATTAC-Poland United Kingdom Global Justice Now, Jubilee Debt Campaign, Debt Resistance UK Romania : FSIE - FEDERATIA SINDICATELOR INDEPENDENTE DIN ROMANIA Italia Altra Europa con Tsipras, IFE ITALIA/FAE - associazione femminista italiana Greece Attac-Hellas .