Nepal suffered from a violent earthquake on 25th April 2015. Not having any direct contact then in the country, our association (ESSF), supported the appeal rapidly launched by Via Campesina [1].
With this call, [2], Via Campesina committed itself to support its Nepalese section, the All Nepal Peasant Federation – ANPFa.
We had the opportunity to meet one of the représentatives of this federation of peasant organizations [3] in November 2015 in Paris, during the alternative summit on Climate, and we decided to send financial assistance to the federation in the amount of 2 000 € (bank transfer dated 22nd December).
This aid was used in the district of Lalitpur (centre region). It allowed for the buying of seeds to allow to cultivate for a new harvest, after the destruction caused by the earthquake.
Most of the amount given by ESSF was used for the buying of seeds, small amounts earmarked for their transport (Kathmandu-Lalitpur) and for food for volunteers mobilized for this activity (see detail of expenses in the pdf document below).
The ANPFa is a peasant federation known both on the international level as well as on the national political scene. Consequently, it received financial help from other sources, generally much bigger than what we could offer. Contrary to what may happen in other countries, we are not its principal, nor one of its main partners — good for them ! But it seemed important for us nonetheless to do our bit of contribution to this ongoing action.
This is the first time that our association undertook a financial solidarity initiative towards Nepal.
We thank all those who, with their support, allowed this to happen.
Pierre Rousset
Financial data from ANPFa