We, the seventy-six (76) participants from the different provinces of Mindanao representing the fifty-two (52) grassroots organizations of Lumad, Bangsamoro and Migrant Settlers, actively advocating and working for the advancement and protection of human rights convened during the Mindanao Grassroots Human Rights Conference held at Dapit Alim, Simbuco, Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte on September 3-5, 2015. We strongly express,
The current global economic and political framework is only at the best interest of the few;
The common people continuously experience massive and intense curtailment and violations of their human rights. The absence of sustainable and decent work; unjust and unfair system of labor like contractualization and informalization; absence of support services from the government like genuine agrarian reform and support to family-based and small scale farmers and fisherfolks; lack of support and protection to OFWs; lack of budget and insufficient implementation of program for education and other basic social services; and imposition of profit-driven development to communities such as mining, logging, agri-business plantation and construction of coal-fired power plants have resulted to massive land grabbing of ancestral and agricultural lands of the people and the devastation of the environment;
The poverty induced by inhumane development dictated by a system that accumulates excessive profit, monopolizes and privatizes natural resources have resulted to immense gap and unequal development of the society and dehumanize the common people;
The on-going armed conflict and militarization in Mindanao extremely violates the rights of the people to life and to live peacefully. This also causes massive displacement of hundreds of thousands of people from their land, work and home.
Human rights defenders and advocates were persecuted while others experience harassment because of ‘red tagging’ – they are associated to rebel groups and other elements who alleged to be enemies of the state and corporations.
In general, the Lumads, Bangsamoro and Migrant Settlers in Mindanao are in great jeopardy as they themselves are victims of impunity in defending human rights.
We believe that in our collective efforts, we can strengthen the peoples’ movements to advance human rights as fundamental in attaining genuine peace and sustainable development in Mindanao and in the country in general;
We will promote mechanisms that would always protect the victorious struggle of the people and the community for peace, development and human right;
We are in solidarity with all the movements in the local, national and international in order to fortify the struggle for human rights;
We are unified in strengthening our movement as response to the challenges and threats to the democratic realization of rights of the people and of the environment;
We call and demand for:
· Stop militarization in the communities!
· Stop the divide and rule tactics employed to the people in the communities!
· Stop mining, logging, agri-business plantations and construction of coal-fired power plants and other projects that destroy the environment and community!
· End harassments of the farmers and tenants and genuinely implement agrarian and fisheries reforms!
· Strict implementation of minimum wage, social benefits and end contractualization practices in labor!
· Sufficient program that protect OFWs and all the workers!
· End privatization of basic social services (health, education, water, transportation, irrigation, electricity, housing, etc.)!
· Justice to the victims of extra-judicial killings and destructive projects done by the state and non-state elements!
· Fast track the process of ancestral domain claims!
· Efficient programs and services for the victim-survivors of calamities and armed conflicts!
· Genuine participation of the people and the community in the peace processes in order to advances its inclusivity!
· Full inclusion of Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) in the Bangsamoro Basic Law!
· Promote peaceful means in resolving armed conflicts in Mindanao!
· Strictly implement the existing mechanisms that fully realize human rights!
For the rights of all people and of the environment:
1. Kaagapay OFW Resource and Service Center
2. Maharlika – DKMP-Lanao
4. Lig-ong Hiniusang Kusog sa mga Kabus sa Iligan (LIHUK)
5. Movement of Young Catalysts for Change (MYCC)
6. Kahugpungan sa mga Mangingisda sa Kolambugan (KASAMAKO)
7. Lanao Fisheries Advocacy Netwrok (LFAN)
8. Iligan Survivors Movement (ISM)
10. LAWIG – Byahe sa Kausaban
11. Lapayan Power Movement Association (LPMA)
12. Liga ng Makabagong Kabataan (LMK)
13. Lanao Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (LAHRA)
14. Mindanao Peoples Peace Movement (MPPM)
15. Manga Solo Parents Association (MASPA)
16. Nagkahiusang Mangingisda sa Karumatan (NAMANGKA)
17. Mindanao Tri-People Youth Center (MTPYC)
18. Teduray-Lambangian Youth and Student Association (TLYSA)
19. Timuay Justice and Governance (TJG)
20. Mindanao Tri-people Women Resource Center (MTWRC)
21. Alyansa ng Mamamayan para sa Karapatang Pantao (AMKP)
22. Nagkahiusang Mag-uumang Organiko (NAMAO)
23. Filipino Katoliko (FK) CARAGA
24. Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Initiative, Research Assistance Center (MIPIRAC)
25. Kagkalimwa OFW Federation
26. Cadiz Farmers Association
27. SDL-GenSan
28. Kalamungog Farmers Association (KALFA)
29. ALAKOP Council of Timuays
30. Inged Fintailan – Timuay Justice and Governance
31. Tri-people Youth (TRY)-Change
32. Ranao Women and Children Resource Center (RWCRC)
33. Demokratikong Kilusang Magbubukid (DKMP)-Lanao
34. Tri-people Organization against Disaster (TRIPOD) Foundation
35. Pigkarangan Youth and Student Organization (PYSO)
36. Ranaw Tri-people Movement for Genuine Peace and development (RTMGPD)
37. Sumpay Mindanao
38. Soodoroy de Kelebunan Women
39. Mamalu Descendants Organization (MDO)
40. Sustainable Alternatives for the Advancement of Mindanao (SALAM)
41. Lanao Aquatic and Marine Fisheries Center for Community Development (LAFCCOD)
42. Nagkahiusang Organisasyon sa mga Mangingisda sa Tubod (NOMATUB)
43. Convergence of NGOs/POs in Zamboanga del Sure for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (CONZARRD)
44. Kahugpungan sa mga Mag-uuma ug Mamumuong Kababayen-an (KASAMMAKA)
45. Lig-ong Panaghiusa sa mga Mamamuo sa Banika sa Lanao (LPMBL)
46. Kilusang Maralita sa Kanayunan (KILOS KA)
47. Electoral Reforms and Development Assistance Center (ERDAC)
48. Ilelama Council of Timuays
49. Coal Resistance (CoRe) Movement
50. Teatro Pag-asa
51. Alyansa sa mga Kabus sa Lungsod ug Syudad (AKLAS)
52. Alyansa ng Kabataang Mindanao para sa Kapayapaan (AKMK)
Contact Persons:
Adona Orquillas
Alliance of Tri-people for the Advancement of Human Rights (ALTAHR)
Jennevie Cornelio
Secretary General
Alliance of Tri-people for the Advancement of Human Rights (ALTAHR)