On the occasion of the announcement of the new Party, Transitional Chairman of JKAWP Nisar Shah Advocate demanded that Pakistan should accept Azad Kashmir as an independent, autonomous region of state of Jammu Kashmir.
To promote the Kashmir cause independently by kashmiri leadership as the Pakistan has failed to convince the international community on Kashmir issue. It is not the proxy war of Pakistan, in fact it is the issue of the future of 15 million people of Jammu and Kashmir.
The seventy years diplomacy of Pakistan on Kashmir issue has been proved failed. The serious violation of the human rights are being committed in different parts of divided state of Jammu Kashmir but there is no effective voice of international community on this issue.
The United Nation and other international forums pressed this issue only in the framework of India Pakistan dispute. These forums continuously avoiding and close their eyes regarding the seriousness of this issue. No one is ready to criticize India on the human rights violation in Jammu Kashmir. From the first day of this dispute Pakistan did not allow the Kashmiri leadership to present their case before international community.
Actually there is not a single country of the world which is agreed to support Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir issue against India. This situation can be improved if let the leadership of Kashmir present their case before international community. JKAWP leaders said that a fruitful result oriented dialogues will be possible only when the disputed parts of Jammu Kashmir be accepted as fully autonomous region and leadership from these areas will be part of this dialogue process.
The issue of Kashmir should not be treated as per the lines of two nation religious theory of the partition of Sub continent. It should be discussed under the definition of Princely national state of Jammu Kashmir which had the right to decide about their future according to the formula was established for the future of Princely state under the partition plan of Sub continent
The India Pakistan dialogue should be re initiated according to Track 2 diplomacy as due to the deadlock in the dialogue process, the situation of Kashmir is getting worse day by day, JKAWP leadership said. Countless innocent people of Kashmir are being killed due to the cross border firing from both sides. However not only the kashmiri people are being effecting but also the people of from Pakistan and India are facing poverty, unemployment, illetracy and health issues as well.
Around 40 percent of the total population is living below the poverty line. The ruling class of both countries is not ready to provide the bread, peace and prosperity to their masses. They are busy to make weapons, increasing nuclearization and continue militancy and extremism. As a result the extremist forces are being flourished up. The masses are being divided on the bases of religion, sectarianism, and racism to achieve the target of extremism.
JKAWP has firm believe to promote the progressive movement for peace, prosperity and true workers and people democracy. Party will extend its relations with progressive, democratic and peaceful forces to push back the ruling classes, civil and military beaurocracy of india and Pakistan to withdrawal their forces from devided Jammu Kashmir. If both countries will not address seriously this issue and other internal issues to protect the rights of their people, the whole region will not be able to get the eternal peace and prosperity.
Furthermore JKAWP formed a 23 members committee and will form organization structure in three months and will organize national congress.
JKAWP, May 21, 2017