Jammu Kashmir Awami Workers Party (JKAWP ) central organizer Shah Newaz Ali Sheer Advocate was booked under sedition charges and revolt against state by local police of Nakyal Pakistan control Azad Kashmir. A criminal case has been registered against him Under Section 123,124 of AJKPC, he will appear before the court on Feb 26, 2019. The charges against him that he and his other comrades organized rally and protest against state and delivered a hatred speech against the Country and its institutions.
The Government of Pakistan accepted /promised before the international community and the United Nations that all parts of Jammu Kashmir are disputed, the local people have all social, political and economic rights which will be protected by India and Pakistan.
The Pakistan made the promised before the international community that it will protect all the fundamental rights of the citizens of its control Azad Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB).
The Pakistan has totally failed to fulfil its commitment.
The people of GB and AJk have no right even to talk about their fundamental rights and basic issues of life. The political activist who tried to voice against this injustice has been booked under draconian colonial laws, one of example of this, is Baba Jan case, he and his eleven comrades facing sedition charges for seven years.
All progressive and nationalist activists in both regions are under watch by the state and they are being harassed.
Jammu Kashmir Awami Worker’s Party is a new-born socialist party believing on Peaceful Democratic struggles for the rights of people of the princely state of Jammu Kashmir.
The party believes strongly that the issue of Kashmir can only be resolved with the help of the working class of India and Pakistan.
There is a need for strong pro-people voice from India and Pakistan in support of the demilitarization and the reunification of J&K by both countries.
JKAWP is a close ally of AWP Pakistan and other progressive organizations of the Region.
Please raise your voice in our support against state repression.
Nisar Shah
Jammu Kashmir Awami Workers Party