The horrible super cyclone Fani started from Southern India on the 2nd of May 2019. Striking Andra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal in India, it has entered Bangladesh through the coast areas on 4 May early morning. Its velocity weakened entering Bangladesh, with winds of 90-100 mph reducing from 201 mph, and swept over the country.
Even if weakened, it severely hit Bhola, Patuakhali, Khulan, Satkhira, Bagherhat, Noakhali, Barisal and Cox’s Bazar districts turning depression causing heavy rainfall, gusty wind and thunderstorms. 17 people already died due to storm water surge and thunderstorms leaving thousands of people injured. Thousands of villages in the coastal areas are inundated. A million people are stranded by water at different points. Almost all standing crops have been damaged.
All the standing crops have been fallen down in all affected districts.
Road, water and air communication towards those districts have been suspended. Muddy and straw made houses have been collapsed. People take shelter in cyclone centers where they are. In many areas there is no cyclone centers. People take shelters in the dams and in the high land called Tila.
Most of our members are living in the above-mentioned districts. Their lives are at risk with their children.
All those districts are our organizational areas. Most of our Khasland settlements for landless people are based in those affected districts. Currently we have our movement for a permanent settlement on Khasland [1] in Barisal and Bhola. So we like to focus on these two districts in terms of cyclone. We have 600 families in Sikdarerchar in Bhola and 300 families in Rasulpurchar in Barisal. We would like to stand by the landless people with humanitarian support in such a crucial period.
We have formed a 3 member relief committee from Bangladesh Krishok Federation (BKF, peasants) and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha (BKS, women peasants). This committee follows up the situation. It recommended conducting relief work in areas where there is ongoing movement. This committee will try to collect some support inside the country. However, it will not be sufficient either to give relief among the affected people. We decided to ask for material support from the sympathizers and well-wishers outside the country.
Devastation of Fani on the habitats in the coastal area.
Surge water breaks an embankment along the Payra River in Patuakhali and submerged the nearby villages.
Therefore we would like to appeal to ESSF to put the call to post in the webpage so that the people responded as much as possible in our crucial period. Following is a budget to support the affected members of the mass organizations.
Budget for 900 families:
1. One Lungi for male Tk.300X900= 270000/-
2. One Sharee for women Tk.300X900=Tk.270000/-
3. 10 kg of rice Tk.50X10X900=Tk. 450000/-
4. 1 kg of pulse Tk. 100X900= Tk. 90000/-
5. 1 kg of onion Tk. 25X900=22500/-
6. 1/2kg of garlic Tk.50X.5X900= 22500/-
7. Water purifying tab. Tk. 5X10 piecesX900= 45000/-
8. Dettol Tk.20X1pieceX900=18000/-
9. Edible oil Tk. 100X1pieceX900=90000/-
10. Match box(Lighter) Tk.2X6piecesX900=10800/-
11. Candle Tk. 5X2piecesX900=9000/-
12. Two utensil Tk.50X2piecesX900=900000/-
– - - -
Total = Tk,13653000/-
In Euro: 14,840
In word: Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Only.
Badrul Alam
President Bangladesh Krishok Federation
On behalf of Bangladesh Krishok Federation & Bangladesh Kishani Sabha
To send donations
cheques to ESSF in euros only, payable in France, to be sent to:
2, rue Richard-Lenoir
93100 Montreuil
Bank Account:
Crédit lyonnais
Agence de la Croix-de-Chavaux (00525)
10 boulevard Chanzy
93100 Montreuil
ESSF, account number 445757C
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IBAN : FR85 3000 2005 2500 0044 5757 C12
Account holder : ESSF
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