Brazil is facing the biggest national crisis in decades. Our country, which had already been strongly attacked in recent years with austerity measures, social security dismantlement and authoritarian threats, now finds itself cornered by the serious pandemic of the coronavirus, which shakes the world.
All the scientific evidence shows that, in order to halt the pandemic, not to overburden the health systems and to save lives, it is necessary to take drastic measures that are foreign to capitalism and, particularly, to its neoliberal face defended by the current government.
Social distancing and the right of workers to stay at home are the first topics. In addition, heavy State investment in public health, social security, securing formal jobs, protecting informal workers and micro and small businesses owners is urgent. However, the authorities put the economy and profit before health and life.
The serious health, economic and social conditions of large working masses in our country puts a high contingent of people at risk. The most acute face of the crisis affects the working class and, within it, its most precarious and oppressed sectors.
As if that was not enough, there is an aggravating factor. The president of the republic, Jair Bolsonaro, acts at the forefront of irresponsibility. Bolsonaro takes an openly criminal stance that puts at risk the lives of the poorest Brazilians and of the risk groups for COVID-19. Bolsonaro defends only his stingy interests and his reactionary political project.
More than 15 members of his own government are infected with coronavirus. While still a suspected case, the president himself went against medical advice and joined, last Sunday (15), the demonstration in support of a coup – shaking hands and kissing people who were gathering. In addition, in interviews, Bolsonaro diminished the seriousness of the crisis, accused the press and signaled a serious alienation from reality.
At the same time, the sewage of Bolsonarismo, on social networks, acts through disinformation, spreads fake news, stimulates religious alienation and increases the risks for Brazilians. It is a typical behavior of those who attack science and underestimate health professionals and the Unified Health System (SUS).
The list of crimes of responsibility commited by Bolsonaro is long. A request for impeachment of the president was already sustained. Now it has become urgent.
That is why Fernanda Melchionna, Sâmia Bomfim, David Miranda, Luciana Genro, and a group of parliamentarians, intellectuals and social movements from Brazil filed today (18), in the National Congress, the request for impeachment of the president.
The outrage that is already seen in the windows of Brazilians, who protest banging pots and making all sorts of noises in support of “Oust Bolsonaro”, deserves a political expression.
We want to contribute to this mobilization, while actively mobilizing ourselves, together with civil society and the working class, to fight for ways out of this crisis, expanding the bonds of solidarity between people, the defense of science, health, basic conditions of existence, and life.
We defend:
1) Bolsonaro is a criminal! Oust Bolsonaro to save the country
2) Impeachment now! Oust Bolsonaro! The Superior Electoral Court must receive the accusation against the Bolsonaro/Mourão slate.
3) Mobilization of civil society and the organized working class in defense of life and health
4) Urgent measures to contain the pandemic:
– Compulsory allocation of 100% of parliamentary amendments for construction of ICU beds and purchase of respiratory equipment for critically ill patients.
– Emergency salary to guarantee the right of informal workers to leave their jobs.
– Maintenance of wages and jobs. No dismissals for the duration of the pandemic.
– Control of the prices of prevention items and free distribution of masks, hand sanitizers and antiviral drugs to the poorest people.
– SUS control over 100% of hospital beds in Brazil, including private ones.
– Paid leave for guardians of children whose classes were dismissed.
– Automatic concession of the Bolsa Família for all those who wait for the grant.
– Amnesty for water, electricity, gas, and rent bills for the duration of the pandemic.
– Distribution of “basic food baskets” for the unemployed, families with children whose classes have been dismissed, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses.
– Immediate summoning of all those approved in public tenders in the health area.
Fernanda Melchionna – Federal Deputy (PSOL Rio Grande do Sul)
Samia Bomfim – Federal Deputy (PSOL São Paulo)
David Miranda – Federal Deputy (PSOL Rio de Janeiro)
Luciana Genro – State Deputy (PSOL Rio Grande do Sul)
Sandro Pimentel – State Deputy (PSOL Rio Grande do Sul)
Mônica Seixas – State Deputy (PSOL São Paulo)
Carlos Giannazzi – State Deputy ((PSOL São Paulo)
Ari Areia – State Deputy (PSOL Ceará)
Fábio Félix – District Deputy (PSOL Federal District)
Roberto Robaina – City Councilor (PSOL Porto Alegre/RS)
Alex Fraga – City Councilor (PSOL Porto Alegre/RS)
Karen Santos – City Councilor (PSOL Porto Alegre/RS)
Toninho Vespoli – City Councilor (PSOL São Paulo/SP)
Celso Giannazzi – City Councilor (PSOL São Paulo/SP)
Mariana Conti – City Councilor (PSOL Campinas/SP)
Renato Cinco – City Councilor (PSOL Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
Fernanda Miranda – City Councilor (PSOL Pelotas/RS)
Arthur Barbosa – City Councilor (PSOL Janduís/RN)
Intellectuals, artists and activists
Silvio Almeida – Lawyer, professor at Mackenzie University
Vladimir Safatle – Philosopher, professor at University of São Paulo
Rosana Pinheiro-Machado – Anthropologist, professor at University of Bath
Henrique Carneiro – Historian, professor at University of São Paulo
Pablo Ortellado – Philosopher, professor at University of São Paulo
Plínio de Arruda Sampaio Jr. – Economist, professor at University of Campinas
Helena Vieira – Writer, transfeminist activist
Luís Felipe Miguel – Political scientist and professor at University of Brasília (UnB)
Adriana Abdenur – Specialist in geopolitics and international relations, Instituto Igarapé
Daniela Haj Mussi – Political scientist and editor of Revista Outubro.
Zélia Duncan – singer and composer
Gregório Duvivier – actor, comedian and poet
Débora Diniz – anthropologist and law professor at University of Brasília (UnB)
Monsignor Júlio Lancelloti – Catholic educator and priest of the São Miguel Arcanjo Church
Luciana Zaffalon – Human Rights activist.
Edgar Scandurra – singer, composer, guitar player, drummer and musical director
Letícia Siqueira das Chagas – president of the Academic Center of the Faculty of Law of USP.
Silvia Souza – lawyer for the NGO Conectas, an organization in defense of Human Rights
Cristiano Avila Maronna – criminal lawyer
Óton Mário – mayor of Jaçanã (Rio Grande do Norte)
Lucas Bulgarelli – anthropologist
Daniel Tourino Peres – professor of philosophy at Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).
Pedro Ruas – lawyer and former state deputy from Rio Grande do Sul.
Erika Hilton – human rights activist and a state co-deputy (PSOL/Bancada Ativista – São Paulo).
Chirley Pankara – indigenous activist and a state co-deputy (PSOL/Bancada Ativista – São Paulo)
José Rainha – coordinator of the National Front for Field and City Struggles (FNL), a social movement in defense of land reform.
Diolinda Alves – coordinator of the National Front for Field and City Struggles (FNL), a social movement in defense of land reform.
Leandro Recife – secretary-general of PSOL.
Raul Marcelo – former state deputy (PSOL/São Paulo)
Áureo Cisneiros – leader of the civil police union in Pernambuco and an alternate of state deputy for PSOL.
Patrícia Felix – most voted tutelary counselor (a kind of representative of Departament of Children and Families) in the history of Rio de Janeiro.
Vivi Reis – health worker and feminist activist in the state of Pará.
Israel Dutra – PSOL Secretary of International Relations.
Mariana Riscali – PSOL Treasurer
Zeneide Lima – member of the National Executive of PSOL
Jurandir Silva – member of the State Executive of PSOL/RS
Danilo Serafim – member of the National Executive Secretary of CSP / Conlutas
Maklandel Aquino Matos – an leader of PSOL / Piauí
Tarzia Medeiros – member of PSOL/Ceará
Ailton Dantas – state president of PSOL / Ceará
Ana Carolina Santos – member of the PSOL National Directory
Camila Valadão – university professor and director of PSOL / Espírito Santo.
João Machado – economist, professor at PUC São Paulo, leader of the IV International and PSOL.
Maria Consolação – state president of PSOL / MG.
Adriano Mendes de Souza – director of the National Student Union (UNE)
Fabiana Amorim – director of the National Student Union (UNE)
Julio Camara – Weber is director of the National Student Union (UNE)
Sara Azevedo – professor and national and state coordinator of Rede Emancipa / Minas Gerais.
Luana Alves – health psychologist at the PSOL Health Sector.
Maurício Costa – coordinator of Rede Emancipa, a social movement in defense of public education.
Carlos Latuff – Political cartoonist