Bangladesh Krishok Federation and its allied organizations, Bangladesh Kishani Sabha and Bangladesh Adivasi Samity have been addressing different political issues which our people are facing in their life struggle. Land is one of the burning issues which is the main focus in a sweeping agrarian reform in the country. Taking into account the importance of this issue all these three organizations are actively engaged in the land occupation movement in Bangladesh. It has also successful stories in relation to the land occupation movement. It has occupied 77000 acres of fallow land at different places in the country. This land has been distributed among more 100000 landless men and women in the countryside.
Apart from the land issue the organizations address the issues which are against the interest of the peasants and the consumers of the country. As for example, the country has approved GM Bt Brinjal and is going to endorse golden rice which is totally against peasants interest. The Transnational Corporation will benefit from the business of GM crops. Peasants and peasants agriculture will be disrupted. That is why we are trying to resist these crops in Bangladesh through building campaigns, movements and struggles.
In 2019 we addressed different issues like this. They are, such as, movement for land occupation, campaign on food sovereignty, small scale peasants’ business activities, movement against repression on peasants and working class people, different national and international days, etc.
Below is the income and expenditure incurred in 2019:
A. Income:
We received a total of 6000 Euros for the year of 2019 from ESSF.
22.01.2019: 1000,00
12.03.2019: 1000,00
07.05.2019: 1000,00
13.05.2019: 1000,00
21.06.2019: 1000,00
31.07.2019: 1000,00
Total =6000 Euros
In Taka: 492000/-
B. Expenditures:
1. 1 January 2019, Land Action Day was celebrated in Charbangla, one of the occupied islands in the southern part of the country. 500 people joined the function = Tk.60000/-
2. 21 February 2019, International Language Day celebration = Tk. 9000/-
3. International Women Day observation = Tk.16000/-
4. 1st May 2019, International Labor Solidarity Day = Tk. 15000/-
5. Organizational tour for the growth of the organization, March_April 2019 = Tk. 45000/-
6. Observation of the death anniversary of former Organizing Secretary Lear Hossain of the Bangladesh Krishok Federation = Tk. 8000/-
7. A program on Fight against Inequality(Transport cost) = Tk. 50000/-
8. 30 June 2019 the celebration of Historic Santal Revolt Day = Tk.35000/-
9. A gathering of peasants, peasant women and landless peasant in the south = Tk. 55000/-
10. In August 2019, International Indigenous People Day = Tk 15000/-
11. Rana Plaza Day [1] (24 April 2019): Tribute martyrs and discussion meeting = Tk.25000/-
12. A human chain and gathering in front National Press Club protesting the massive corruption of the authority = Tk.35000/-
13. 10 September 2019, International Peasants Struggle Day = Tk. 25000/-
14. A demonstration protesting GMO golden rice = Tk.22000/-
15. 16 October 2019, gathering for International Food Day = Tk.27000/-
16. Press conference for adequate allocation to agriculture in the National budget = Tk.8000/-
17. Tajreen Day [2], tribute and discussion meeting on 23 November 2019 = 18000/-
18. 16 December 2019, the Victory Day celebration = 23000/-
19. 7 November 2019, death anniversary of late comrade Abdus Satter Khan(at national and Local level) = 40000/-
20. Physical communication to different organizational areas = 50000/-
21. Miscellaneous = 20000/-
22. Support to one comrade whose 2 kidneys are damaged = 100000’-
Total = Tk.701000/-
Deficit: A-B=701000-492000=209000/-
Deficit of Tk. 209000/-has been covered by local collection
In 2019 major support has come from ESSF, France, and individual donors.
We are extremely grateful for that.
Badrul Alam
Bangladesh Krishok Federation