PSM requested an electoral pact with PH because it was the desire of our members, supporters as well as civil society members that PSM should not stand alone but join a coalition. PSM members after evaluating all the existing coalitions – BN, PN, PH, decided then to start a process of electoral pact with PH which is seen as the most multiracial and progressive coalition among the three.
PH then through official channels agreed that a process on the electoral pact with PSM will be initiated. In the 2 meetings held between us and PH, PSM put forward a very minimal request. We requested that our Chairperson Dr Jeyakumar be allowed to stand as he is the best and most winnable candidate for Sungai Siput. We also gave two other alternate requests of non-incumbent Parliament seats held by BN if the Sungai Siput seat were to be denied . We also requested 3 non-incumbent state seats held by BN. We nevertheless indicated that we would be happy with any Parliament seat and any two state seats. The PH negotiation team of YB Nik Nazmi and YB Steven Sim said that our issues could only be resolved by the Presidential Council which finally informed us today – 6 days before nomination day! – of this outcome.
We are disappointed that there was no serious effort made by PH to hasten this process or find a way despite numerous efforts on our part. We are also aware that many people hoping for us to work together with PH will be disappointed; as well as those who kept telling us, “ Didn’t I tell you” will feel vindicated. We would just like to tell our members and supporters that we have tried. The pact is over but not the struggle.
PSM looks at the GE15 15 days away as a momentous election and a difficult election for PH due to the existing conditions and based on the recent state election results. Hence, we wanted to mobilise our machinery and grassroots communities towards this task.
With the latest development, PSM will be holding an emergency Central Committee meeting today as well as National Committee Meeting (our second highest decision-making body) tomorrow to decide if we would be contesting or sitting out of GE15.
S. Arutchelvan
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