Look, who is the coward after all?
Another lesson learned. “Never put a dare to nor challenge a COWARD for he will expectedly react in a cowardly manner.”
Yesterday, Mister Esperon ordered the illegal discharge from the military service of twenty-six (26) of our gallant Enlisted Personnel who had been illegally incarcerated without charges. The worst thing is that, Mister Esperon did not have the “BALLS” to admit that it was he, in fact, who ordered the discharge of our patriotic Enlisted Personnel. Instead, head passed on the responsibility to the Commanding General of the Philippine Army. That was his cowardly response to our dare for him to tell the truth.
True to form and as expected, when he was asked by the media regarding the “Mayuga Report”, he immediately invoked the oft-repeated alibi that the result of the investigation is with the “higher-ups”. Yes, he hid again behind the comfort of the “little skirt”. This is becoming laughable if not downright revolting.
Mister Esperon, we are reminding you that those professional and patriotic Enlisted Personnel were fighting the enemies of the State while some criminal elements in the Armed Forces were scheming to steal the votes in 2004.
Mister Esperon, we are reminding you that those professional and patriotic Enlisted Personnel were putting their lives on the line in defense of the Nation’s territorial integrity while some criminal elements in the Armed Forces were spitting at the Constitution.
Mister Esperon, we are reminding you that those professional and patriotic Enlisted personnel were subjected to harsh conditions without complaint to attain the AFP’s mission while YOU and the members of your criminal gang have attained the the destruction of the AFP as an institution in cahoots with those who have an insatiable lust for power.
Mister Esperon, we are reminding you that while your men are dying out there in the field, your only fervent desire is to gain notoriety in the “Garci Tapes”. May 200 ka ba dahil dyan, Mister Esperon?
Mister Esperon, we could not imagine how YOU and your criminal gang could get up every morning and lie to convince yourselves that you have the best interests of the country in mind and stand on better ideals. Yes, your convoluted mind makes you think that interests and ideals are there to hide the truth and mastermind irregularities.
Mister Esperon, you are wrong. Very Wrong, to think that by discharging our Enlisted Personnel from the service, you have hurt our cause to seek the truth. NO!!! What you have done is to actually thumb the noses of the members of the entire Armed Forces. Yes, Mister Esperon, that is your way of challenging the members of the entire Armed Forces to touch you if you they can. That is your way of telling them that you can do anything that you please. And that is your way of telling them, “Look, who’s the coward after all?”.
Mister Esperon, we agree with you that there are some people in the AFP who have your genes, who puts ambition over and above principles, integrity and decency. However, it is just a matter of time whenthe vast majority of professional soldiers would say, ENOUGH is ENOUGH.