Revive the Peace Movement Network (RPM)
Revive the Peace Movement Network (RPM) is a network, a group of organizations and people who want to figure out what ought to be done and to suggest actions. We are : CODEPINK , the Middle East Crisis Committee (CT) Voices for Creative Non-Violence, Campaign for Peace and Democracy , Middle East North Africa Solidarity Network (U.S.), Capitalism Vs. the Climate, Promoting Enduring Peace, the International Socialist Organization , Global Campaign for Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution, Solidarity, and authors Lenni Brenner and Sam Farber, and Bishop John Selders of Moral Mondays CT, Frank Panzarella, musician, activist, Paula Friedland Panzarella, poet and community, environmental, anti-war activist, Mark Colville, Amistad Catholic Worker, Pia Ward of the FANG collective, Rev. David Good, Tree of Life Education Fund, Nidal Bitari, Programs Manager at People Demand Change PDC, Joseph Daher, Syrian Swiss leftist activist, founder of the blog Syria Freedom Forever, Ramah Kudaimi, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, War Resisters League