Tchinaghen Commits itself to peace an solidarity in Niger and assists populations.
Since February 2007, Northern Niger has been the center of serious confrontation.
The MNJ (Nigerian Movement for Justice) demands a fairer sharing of the underground wealth in Aïr, a real application of the peace agreements which have been signed in 1995 (which put an end to touareg rebellion in the 199Os) and more justice within Nigerian institutions. The MNJ also calls for “a non-bias inspection” concerning the radioactivity of the uranium sites which have been exploited for 4O years by Areva, a French company which is number one in the world for civilian nuclear energy. The Nigerian State refuses to negotiate with the MNJ ,using as its justification the idea of defending its economic interests and mobilising its arm forces for counter offensives. The region has become a veritable zone of armed conflict.
Torn between two armies, the civilian populations in Northern Niger, regardless of ethnicity, are taken hostage, victims of this conflict which escalates daily.
– Victims of food rationing : Transportation difficulties render people unable to acquire sufficient rations of basic food and provoke uncontrollable price inflation. To make the situation worse, recent floods have destroyed working equipment and many family sites of agricultural production.
– Victims of a local economy that is completely asphyxiated : Commercial trade in the country has been jeopardized and tourism, the principle source of revenue in the region of Agadez, has been completely wiped out.
– Today, civilian populations are massively displaced as they flee from a strong military presence in strategic zones. Many gardeners are forced to abandon their land. Many shepherds must watch their herds being slaughtered. In some camps, there are only women, children and elderly people left , with neither livestock nor resources.
Such a conflict makes poorer and poorer those populations who, even in times of peace, suffer terribly from lack of infrastructure, of care, of means to get by. Let’s remember that, according to the 2OO6 index of human development, Niger is listed on the poorest country in the world.
TCHINAGHEN, An Association to promote peace and to support needy populations
Tchinaghen Association was formed to face this situation. It brings together those passionate about helping Niger, associations and individuals, joining a common chart in which it’s stipulated that they will be neutral in acting. In tamacheq, the language of the Touareg people, Tchinaghen (pronounce “chenaren”) means “to save without taking any part”.
Objectives and commitments of the Association
– Communicating to caution and inform the public and international solidarity organisations about the situation that Northern Niger populations are living.
– Collecting money to try to limit the humanitarian disaster which has started in this region.
– Organizing, together with Non - Governmental Organizations and local representatives a fair sharing and an obvious use of emergency assistance.
– Acting towards dialogue and peace.
To help the Tchinaghen Association to act in aid of civilian victims of the conflict: a donation.
To get in touch with the us
tchinaghen or 33 (O) 6 28 O5 76 57