As announced beforehand on this email list, a working meeting of the Radical Parties International Network was held in London, at the occasion of the Third ESF, Saturday 16th of October 2004 in the evening. Definite information came late on the exact location of the meeting, so a certain number of organizations, while present in London, could not be informed in time and attend it.
Everybody was very tired, in the midst of the ESF. Nevertheless, attended the meeting: Joser Maria Antentas (Espacio Alternativo, Spanish State), Alex Callinicos (SWP, Great-Britain), Salvatore Cannavo (Rifondazione Comunista, Italy), David Companyon (Workers Revolutionary party, Spanish State), François Duval & Pierre Rousset (LCR, France), Aida Seif El Dawla (20th March Movement for Change, Egypt), Yehia Fikry (Center for Socialist Studies, Egypt), Paolo Gilardi & George Waardenburg (MPS, Switzerland), Jean-Paul Hebert (Les Alernatifs, france), Abdul Majeed Kanjoo (Seraiki National Party, Pakistan State), Francesc Matas Salla (EuiD, Catalunya), Ahmed Shawki (ISO, USA), Angels Tomas (POR, Spanish State).
Were also contacted afterwards: Christophe Aguiton (France), PK Murthy (CPIML, India), Pierre Vanek (SolidaritéS, Suisse).
The exchange of view began with points of information on the situation in their countries from comrades coming from Pakistan and Egypt. The discussion was afterwards centred on the preparation of the Second International Meeting of Radical Parties, to be held in Porto Alegre, at the occasion of the 5th World Social Forum.
The decision to hold the next Radical Parties Meeting at the time of the WSF was taken in Mumbai, last January. It was also proposed to meet at the occasion of regional gatherings, as the ESF, to discuss its preparation. It’s what was done in London. Here is a summary of the main proposals and issues coming out of this meeting.
The general feeling was that a one-day meeting will be needed in Porto Alegre, rather than half a day as in Mumbai. Half a day will not be enough for the necessary exchanges.
The best date seemed to all of us the day after the WSF (is it January 31rst or February 1rst?). If there are too many other meetings at this time, there maybe a problem, but it seems very impractical to meet during the WSF. Just before, many of us will be tied up by its preparation. Just after, we will be able to base ourselves on the results of the WSF. We know there maybe some important seminars the days following the WSF but, given the nature of the Radical Parties Meeting (it is not a broad public conference or seminar), it may be possible to combine both seminars by concerned organizations and the Radical Party Meeting.
The DATE of the meeting should be decided AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, for invitations to be sent and for plane tickets to be booked at the best prices.
For the Second Radical Parties International Meeting to succeed, we have to prepare it. This maybe the most important point here. Our email list has to be utilized to circulate documents to this aim, in addition to what is presently mailed through it (bulletins, ad-hoc information and calls…) (which is useful). Should for example be sent:
– Self-presentation of organizations. This was decided in Mumbai but very little done yet (only one organization did it, if memory does not betray…). This is all the more important because many of the organizations in our network do not know one another, or know very little, beyond each one’s region.
Mails should circulate on issues as:
– Proposals for the agenda of the Porto Alegre Meeting.
– Elements of analysis and discussion on the topics to be discussed at the conference.
– Proposals for common actions and collaboration in 2005.
It is very important that we begin to exchange on the radpart email list as soon as possible.
We should avoid to duplicate, in our Radpart Meeting, debates which are already organized in the WSF framework or in other seminars. We should rather concentrate on topics of specific importance to our collaboration (to understand more how orientations and perspectives, to substantiate common initiatives, to define our responsibilities…).
A number of issues to be discussed at the RadPart Meeting were proposed at the London working meeting or before, through email. It seems that there was an agreement in London for two of them to be included in any case in the agenda:
– Common actions and fields of collaboration for 2005 (and how to make the best use of our network).
– The Global Justice Movement / Anti-Capitalist Globalisation Movement: assessments of the dynamics presently at work and our responsibilities.
Other proposals included exchanges on experiences in party building, imperialism today, electoral experiences, the militarization and new technologies of surveillance (both military and social) (this is more a proposal for campaigns than a topic in itself for the meeting’s agenda), etc…
Proposals concerning the RadPart Meeting should be quickly made through the email list, and should be responded, so we can discuss a definite agenda in time.
One additional proposal came after the London meeting. That we discuss in Porto Alegre the possibility to hold a Radical Party International Meeting independently from any big gathering, some 6 to 8 months after Porto Alegre. We thought about this possibility in Mumbai already. We then concluded that it was more practical to organize the meeting at the occasion of the WSF for financial reasons (many comrades will be there anyhow) and because the year agenda was already very full.
The problem is that it is quite difficult to organize a meeting when many of us are so busy with the forums and when so many other initiatives are held the same days. In 2005, the forum’s agenda is lighter (the next ESF will be in March-April 2006 in Greece and the 2005 WSF should be “lighter”). If we can solve the financial question, it could be good to have our RadPart meeting at a time and a place chosen by us. It would give us more time and freedom to exchange politically, something we surely do need. This is something to think of, so we can decide on its feasibility in Porto Alegre.
A number of organizations which are not yet integrated in our network should be invited to the Porto Alegre Meeting. The question was raised in London: which ones?
There is no established process to integrate new organizations. Can there be one?
For the time being at least, this seems first of all to be a question of simple political judgment, of good political sense. If organizations from a given region (or which know the one to be invited) agree on an invitation, there should be no problem. If it can be foreseen that an invitation might raise consistent objections or uneasiness, let’s discuss it before hand.
Participants at the London RadPart working meeting should write additional comments on what was discussed then, or expand and clarify any issue they feel necessary.
Organizations which were not in the London meeting should react to the above proposals, and present theirs.
All organizations (except one which did it) should mail on the radpart list a short self-presentation.
Proposals for the meting agenda, elements of analysis on issues to be discussed and proposals for 2005 activities should be mailed too.
And all this should begin to be done fairly quickly, of course. Not to say immediately…
I hope I have not, in this report, betrayed the spirit of the London RadPart working meeting.
Hoping the best to all of you,
In solidarity and comradely,