From Belem,
At the initiative of the PSOL (Brazil) and the NPA (New Anti-capitalist Party, France) a conference of the international anti-capitalist left took place during the World Social Forum with representatives from 20 countries and around twenty organisations.
Latin America: the PSOL from Brazil, the PSUV from Venezuela, Marea socialista from Venezuela, the MST from Argentina, Otro camino from Argentina, the PST from Uruguay, the GRS from the Antilles, Refundacion socialista from Ecuador.
North America: the ISO from the USA
Asia: the LPP from Pakistan, Power of the Working Class-Collective for a new Workers’ Party from South Korea, the RWP-Mindanao from the Philippines.
Europe: Syriza-Synaspismos from Greece, Bloco de Esquerda from Portugal, the Red Green Alliance from Denmark, the Red Party from Norway, the LCR-SAP from Belgium, the RSB from Germany, Socialist Alternative from Austria, les Alternatifs from France, Izquierda Alternativa from Catalonia, the NPA from France.
After the meetings in Mumbai and Porto Alegre, this meeting was a real success. Numerous organisations were unable to attend but sent solidarity greetings.
After two introductions from Pedro Fuentes for the PSOL and François Sábado for the NPA, the Greek comrades from Syriza explained their intervention in the social explosion of last November. The representatives of the PSUV stressed the place of Venezuela in the anti-imperialist struggle and the necessity of an anti-capitalist fight, notably in the occupation of factories in the face of crisis. The comrades from the Bloco de Esquerda in Portugal and the Red Green Alliance presented their activities.
All stressed the new responsibilities of anti-capitalists: the capitalist crisis opens a new situation which will lead to new social and political confrontations. These responsibilities are all the more important in that social democracy and its political or trade union allies have adopted a logic of management of the capitalist crisis. In this context anti-capitalists should intervene around alternative solutions to the crisis which combine emergency measures for jobs, wages, the public services and measures of anti-capitalist transformation; “The rich should pay for the crisis, not the people “ This slogan of the WSF will also be that of the anti-capitalists.
Those present also agreed to continue their solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people and the battles of the new anti-imperialist movements in Latin America. The organisations present agreed to set up an open network of all the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist organisations who wish to participate. They have shown their desire to pursue their cooperation, exchanges of experiences, debates and common actions, notably in the context of the decisions of the last WSF.