Dear Comrade Fabert,
The National Workers’ Union of Saint Lucia is in full support of and solidarity with the actions taken by the working people of Guadeloupe and Martinique under the leadership of your working class organisations.
In times of crisis in the international capitalist system it is the the working class and the broad masses of the people on whom the the most austere measures and sacrifices are inflicted. Runaway prices, especially of food and basic commodities, massive job cuts and the rolling back of the gains that we have won through decades of struggle, are all symptoms of a socio-economic order built on the exploitation of man by man. And of a system trying to salvage itself at the expense of those whom it exploits.
We therefore unreservedly support your continued action and call on the French Government to continue negotiations with your organisations in good faith towards meeting the just demands of the people.
Acceptez notre Soutien en cette lute contre l’exploitation capitaliste, Cher Camarade. E’ chenbe’ raide, pas moli!
Georges Godard
Secretary General