Dear Comrades,
The National Workers’ Union (NWU) is saddened for the Loss of a Comrade Trade Unionist in Guadeloupe. We are also saddened to see that the crisis is not given the attention it requires by the leadership of France. The global crisis is imminent because Capitalism, Imperialism and Militarism by the super power has collapsed. The Capitalist countries are looking for answers over their global economy.
The sufferers are the poor and the under privileged working class of the world.
France, like the Western Super Powers used many prescriptions and all failed. We have mass social injustice, poverty, destitution, less jobs, many homeless, sickness, drugs and a number of mental cases on our streets.
Guadeloupe has taken the Vanguard Role to address this situation. Martinique has taken its part but not all the Nationalists in Martinique have taken part. What has Alfred Marie Jean have to say ? We are also concerned about Cayenne ; the trade unions are under serious threat. The NWU stands in solidarity for a new way of life to address all the concerns of the suffering peoples in the French Department in the Caribbean basin in addressing the new so called global economy or rather that global crisis the Capitalist countries like France have split the world in two.
We are calling the government of France to go back to the negotiating table to conclude the first agreement with the Guadeloupians and respect workers’ rights in Guadeloupe, Martinique and the rest of the Caribbean.
Rawlings F. A. Jemmott
President General
Soutien du “Socialist Alternative Collective of Trinidad and Tobago”
26 février 2009
Dear Comrades
The Socialist Alternative Collective of Trinidad and Tobago condemns the violence and aggression unleashed by the colonial French state against working people and the poor, particularly the youth in Guadeloupe. The response from the colonial French state was not unexpected and revives memories of the massacre of May 1967 when 100 workers were killed by French gendarmes in their bid to suppress the legitimate aspirations of the Caribbean people of Guadeloupe.
The deepening crisis of capitalism has hit the people of the Caribbean extremely hard and more so the people of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane and Reunion, outposts of French colonialism where the people are not only ravaged by capitalism, but by colonialism and its corollary racism.
We support the demands of the Colectif de 47 Organisations for decent wages, pensions and social benefits and social conditions designed to lift the people of Guadeloupe out of the grip of poverty and exploitation. We call for the abolition of the colonial relationship between France and the people of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane and Reunion.
We demand the immediate withdrawal of French gendarmes from the Caribbean and support the militant action of the masses as they seek to abolish poverty, oppression and exploitation.
In solidarity
Dave Smith
Soutien du National Workers’ Union (NWU) de Trinidad and Tobago
26 février 2009
Collectif des 47 organisations
Rue Paul Lacavé 97 110
Dear Comrades
The National Workers’ Union (NWU) of Trinidad and Tobago extends fraternal solidarity from a fellow Caribbean people to the Collectif des 47 organisations and to the workers and people of Guadeloupe in their struggle to overcome the devastating effects of the international economic crisis which has forced you to adopt the tactic of general strike against the extreme exploitation that has marked the history of Guadeloupe.
We unreservedly condemn the action of the French State in unleashing the power of its armed forces against the youth of your country who are in the forefront of the fight for a decent, civilised way of life. This state violence is reminiscent of the May 1967 massacre of unarmed workers by the armed forces of the state – an even which is burned into the memory of the people of Guadeloupe.
We support your demands for an immediate increase in wages, pensions, and social benefits, a decrease in fuel prices, water rates and the cost of transport. We support your demands for reduction in the prices of essential goods and the easing of the tax burden. We support your demands for job security and job creation including training for youth, for the protection and improvement of trade union rights and for a decrease in rents.
We call upon the French authorities to withdraw the armed forces from Guadeloupe and to negotiate with the representatives of the Guadeloupean people in struggle in an effort to defuse to mitigate he worsening conditions of the working people and the poor.
In solidarity
Dave Smith
General Secretary