“IFC condemn all sorts of repressions”
To the French Government,
We have recently learned from Lyannaj kont Pwofitasyon that the workers of Guadeloupe have been practicing their basic human rights by protesting their current terrible living conditions and as a result the local authorities have arrested many protesters including labor leaders.
We in Iraq Freedom Congress that comprise of many labor unions, students, youth and women organizations that includes thousands of members among its ranks to struggle against the US lead occupation in Iraq, we vigorously condemn the acts of the French authorities against the workers and people of Guadeloupe who were practicing their essential rights that were recognized by Genève Conventions and International Labor Organizations, we also demand the :
End of repression NOW !
Release of all the jailed people NOW !
Positive response of the workers demands !
Amjad Ali of Iraq Freedom Congress
Working For a Democratic, Secular and Progressive Alternative to both the US Occupation and Political Islam in Iraq