“Letter of support from Leningrad”
Free trade union of tramway drivers of Saint-Petersburg - Leningrad (Russia) and simple people of our city have fully supporting the general strike of LKP in Gwadloup and demand from the French government :
– End repression NOW !
– Release all the jailed people NOW !
– Meet the demands !
Mikhail Droujininsky,
head of Free trade union of tramway drivers of Saint-Petersburg (Russia),
representative Committee United Action of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:25 AM
“You Are Not Alone ! NO ESTAN SOLOS !!”
FME Solidarity Statement
To our Hermanos and Hernanas in Guadaloupe and Martinique, You Are Not Alone !
The Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior (FME), condems in the strongest terms the threatening posture of the French government to the peoples of Guadaloupe and Martinique. We will not sit idly by and let the French government continue to treat our brothers and sisters as colonial subjects, or worse. We stand in full support of the just demands of the people’s movements of Guadaloupe and Martinique for economic,democratic, social,civil and cultural rights, human dignity, and self-determination,we are all brothers and sisters.
The Frente recommends the French government that the resolution to the crisis in Guadaloupe and Martinique can only be addressed through diplomatic means in full accord with international law. Any invasion or use of force to crush these political conflicts would constitute a clear human rights violation. This crisis will only be justly resolved when the French government fully complies with all 146 of the people’s demands. Nothing less will be satisfactory.
Signed Al Rojas,National Coord
Frente de Mexicanos en el Exterior (FME)
Sacramento,California E.U.A
No Invasion !
Respect, Honor, and Fulfill ALL 146 Demands !
Self-Determination for Guadeloupe and Martinique !
Monday, February 16, 2009 1:41 PM
“Demand to end repression in Guadeloupe”
French Embassy
Washington D.C.
Re: Repression in Guadeloupe
Dear Sir/Madam I am writing you to demand an immediate end to the repression, the release of all the prisoners, and a return to the negotiating table, so that the legitimate demands of the people of Guadeloupe can be met.
Javier Rodriguez
Dir. March 25 Coalition Los Angeles, CA USA