A beautiful, partecipated and stirring demonstration , the march held
in L’Aquila against G8 and for 100% reconstruction.
More than 10 thousands workers, students and young people, citizens
coming from L’Aquila and the region of Abruzzo answered with
enthusiasm to the national call of Cobas, Patto di Base (Cobas,
Cub,Sdl) and the National network against G8, and marched for 8
kilometers under a burning sun to the center of L’Aquila.
A radical but completely peacefull and responsible demonstration,
that has wisely avoided all the political,media and police “traps”
usually related with “red zones” and with frontal opposition to
police forces.
A march that contradicts and debunks the grotesque and instrumental
scare- mongering campaign against the “no global”. This campaing came
first of all from the local PD ( Democratic Party) and CGIL from
L’Aquila and Abruzzo. They described us as a sort of barbaryan
destroyers and this contributed to frighten a population that was
already disoriented by the demagogic and fraudolent behaviour of our
government, by the “Protezione Civile” and by the
Berlusconi-dependent mass media .
On the wave of the success of the demonstration, we confirm our
greatest commitment against the will of the master of the world
( wherever they meet, G8 or G14 or G20): they caused the economic,
environment, energetic, food and war crisis and people of the word,
as usual, is supposed to pay for it.
For 100% reconstruction of L’Aquila: we will never let alone people
from L’Aquila,we will never stop our struggles against the “masters of
the world”.
In Autumn we are going to intensify social, political, and union
struggle against the government and the ruling class and against
monopolistic trade union policies.
July 10th 2009
Piero Bernocchi
National speaker of Confederazione COBAS