In this November 15th 2008 a summit meeting of the leads members of G20 will be held in Washington DC, US. The moment of the summit prestige focus in the long list of failure of US imperialism to guide into solutions of the world economic and financial crisis. The US efforts to deal with economic crisis through their domestic policies and through international meeting such as Doha- WTO circle and G 8 in Hokkaido Japan is melting down. The economic crisis is getting worse and continues spreading after September 2008.
The world economic and financial crisis behind this summit is the result of US sub prime mortgage crisis that has total lost of $1000 billions, and cause the lost employment of 20 millions people in the world. It is also a serious menace for billions of poor people with incomes bellows US$2 per day. This crisis has forced the US government to put US$ 700 billions rescues packages to save their companies from bankrupt. This step is followed by Great Britain (US$691 billions), Germany (US$680 billions), Ireland (US$544 billions), France (US$492 billions), Russia (US$200 billions), and Asia (US$80 billions).
This G20 summit will explore the idea to apply the new model of Breton Wood system This idea turn into controversy because in fact this system maintain the exchange rate of US dollar in terms of gold- had stopped by Nixon in the early seventies following inflation and deficits. of US States budgets after Vietnam War (1965-1975). In this moment, US Imperialism is in the same condition that US Dollar values traps in the fluctuation state budgets deficits and trade deficits especially with China.
Formally this summit has objective to formulate the steps to end the economic and financial crisis that is getting worse today’s. Unfortunately, from the very beginning, we could predict that this summit will be useless for the people and the third world nations including Indonesia This summit will just multiply the oppression and exploitation that in the end will enslaves people in the third world countries. There is no one single agenda that explores to end the most fundamental contradiction; the contradiction between works and individual properties and the monopoly of production as the source of world economic crisis.
There is no plan of agreement in the G20 meeting address to increase wages values for the labor and increase purchasing power of people globally There is no either plan of agreement addressed to stop expansionism and monopoly of land and productive resources for billions people in rural areas across the world. It means the inexistence of systematic plan to overcome the over production of commodities, financial speculation to gain the super profit and the preventions and effective efforts to improve people purchasing power in the world.
This G20 summit further will build uniform understanding between the world leaders to strengthen global economic institutions especially World Bank and IMF as reflected in the resolutions of ASEM summit in Beijing, last October 2008 .These are the efforts to stop the never ending clash between imperialist countries as it shows in other world forum especially WTO that end up unclearly.
This G20 summit is also concentrated the economic resource to back up the chauvinist plan of developed industrial countries to bail out the bankrupt capitalists who is falling down in the result of their own greediness. Shortly this G20 summit will dissociate the hopes of world citizen to welfare and democratic and just economic.
Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR) consider that actually G20 is an evil conspiracies of the leaders from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Arab Saudi, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey Great Britain, US and European Union to support US imperialism in distributing crisis burden. We believe that the crisis is the result of the over production of high technologies and military products, the spreading anarchy of financial speculation and the fall of purchasing power due to intensive exploration of people and working class in those countries.
If we are looking back in the history, especially in the formation of G20, It was in the line with the G6 —US, Great Britain, West Germany, Japan, Italia and France or the baby of the G8 in 1975, who was in that time gathered to deal with recession probability due to the increasing oil prices. The formation of G20 in Berlin Meeting 1999 was also responding the politic and economic instability of the imperialist countries in the world crisis in that time. The same solutions will make the crisis getting worse. This will be the future of G20
G20 summit and Indonesian economic crisis
G20 summit is clearly the enforcement of oppression and enslavement to the people and nations colony around the world. As we know, the economic and financial crisis that swept US and other industrial countries has spreading to developing and underdeveloped countries. The crisis impacts is multiplied in the under developing countries as the combination of external influences and internal conditions- that is the contradiction between the decreasing of national production and the flooding of dumping imported commodities from imperialist countries combine with debt burden makes national budget and trades fall into deficits.
The economic crisis is getting worse in the third countries as capital flight arise from third world countries to developed countries. According to The Trade and Development Report 2008 by UNCTAD, in 2002-2006, 42 from 113 underdeveloped countries are net exporters of capital. UNCTAD, also declare that this inclination is strengthen after the underdeveloped countries was attacked by financial crisis in 1997-1998.
The developing countries lost the control in the face of economic crisis because of the high speed current of capital flight, especially in liberalization of the world financial system These countries including Indonesia have to suffer great inflation and basic needs increasing prices as the result of the unbalance foreign currency In the end, the millions of poor people is the one who suffer most. As it happen in Indonesia, this reality is getting harder with the policies of imperialism regime, the right hand of the US imperialism that in anyway assures the US interest.
Lets look what happened in Indonesian Even though SBY-JK government try to convince public on how the impact of financial crisis is minor, the ground fact shows the opposite. The labors suffer the attack of economic crisis impact through the decision of four ministers who force them to give up their rights of their wages. The farmers also suffer the great land acquisition and the oppressing SBY JK government in the name of important infrastructures development that said to attract foreign investors. SBY-JK government also intend to dig individual tax that National Budget targeted Rp 364,4 trillion or more than tax realization in 2008 that was Rp 325,7 trillions and multiply the export of Indonesian Workers targeted to 1 million person per year begin 2009 to blow the foreign exchange income and remittance of Indonesian migrant workers that is targeted to Rp 125 trillion or twice from 2008 remittance.
The policies with cores to oppress and enslaves people are adverse with other policies for entrepreneurs and foreign exchange trader and investors. Beside reducing tax and liberal incentive policies to spoil investors and speculators, Government SBY JKT decides a few policies such as Government rules on Indonesian Bank, Financial saving networks, re-buying shares of National Company BUMN and re-buying debt letters. All of these efforts have only objectives to give compensation in billions rupiah to big entrepreneurs, stock market speculator and portfolios investors in Indonesian stock market.
Government is standing still from the demand of debt eliminations besides in this difficult situation saving foreign exchanges is the most important thing, but government continues to spend it that it last just US$ 57 billions. Foreign debt elimination is becoming more important since international market is getting small due to protectionism in developed countries and the decreasing prices of important commodities in international market. Saving foreign exchange in eliminating foreign debt is crucial to fulfill the basic needs that are imported until today.
Shortly, in this moment, the elimination of foreign debt is the inevitably logic step to save people’s economic since the biggest part of the debt is illegitimate and disgusting to be paid by Indonesian people. Indonesian Government position on foreign debt is choking people’s burden especially in 2009-2012; the top period of foreign debt payment According to Government SBY-JK , Indonesia has to pay foreign debt in the volume of 6,4 millions dollar in 2009; 5,1 million dollar in 2010; 4,5 million dollar in 2011; 4,4 million dollar in 2012; 4,5 million dollar in 2013; 4,3 million dollar in 2014, and 4,2 million dollar in 2015.
The world economic and financial crisis combine with domestic economic crisis in the resolutions that against its people will just make the whole crisis suffered by Indonesian people continues. With these situations, its impossible for Indonesian government to reach MDGs targets in 2015 that explicitly states; the reduction of half poverty in 2000. These conditions will cause the failure of government to realize economic, social, and cultural rights as it stated in Ecosoc covenant that has ratified by Indonesian Government since 2004. These conditions will also increase state violence to people physically or in the form of political violence as the result of on going contradictions in the nation.
Statement of Conclusion and Position
According to our analyze and consideration, FPR declare
G20 summit is the evil conspiracies between imperialist US leader and their partners from all countries to intensify and multiply the oppression and enslavement of people especially people from depended third countries.
The present of President SBY in G20 summit Washington, November 15th 2008 will not bring any benefit for the people in the contrary it will kill the slightest hopes of people to be free from this suffocating crisis.
From these conclusions Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR) positions are
Oppose and totally refuse G20 summit in Washington and disband of G20 as a manifestation of the end of evil conspiracies of imperialist US and its partners.
Demand to end the world economic and financial crisis in taking the pro-people and genuine development frameworks of policy, particularly by (1) increasing wages of labors; (2) Realising land reform, and; (3) providing decent job and employment for peoples.
Demand elimination of all foreign debt especially disgusting and illegitimates debts and demand debt-reparation to imperialist countries to recover social, economic culture and sovereignty of Indonesian people that has been destroyed in the decades by foreign debt projects.
Demand the end all form of human right violation such as labor conflicts, return the robbed labor rights used to finance economic crisis. (Re-employed 447 labor of PT Megaria Mas fired by companies in injustice condition); Ending the agrarian conflict and reform the land used by infrastructures, mines and plantation projects And demand the fulfillment of Economy, social and culture of Indonesian people.
Demand independent development, in the character of patriotic nationalist and democratic for the social justice of all Indonesian people.
Front Perjuangan Rakyat
Rudi HB Daman
Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR) is a wide aliance and networks from mass organizations and NGOs in Indonesia who is democratic and patriotic. Organization members: ; Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen (GSBI), Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA), Asosiasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Hongkong (ATKI-HK), Organisasi Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (OPSI), Serikat Buruh Aspirasi Pekerja Indonesia (SB-API), Forum Buruh Cengkareng (FBC), Serikat Buruh Koas Eterna Jaya Industries (SBK-EJI), Front Mahasiswa Nasional (FMN), Gerakan Mahasiswa Keristen Indonesia (GMKI), Himpunan Mahasiswa Budhis Indonesia (HIKMAHBUDHI), Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Kerakyatan (GMNK), Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia (PMKRI), Central Gerakan Mahasiswa Universitas Bung Karno (CGM-UBK), Sarekat Hijau Indonesia (SHI), Liga Pemuda Bekasi (LPB), Komite Pemuda Cengkareng (KPC), Arus Pelangi (AP), Gerakan Angkatan Muda Kristen Indonesia (GAMKI), Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI), Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia Univ. Bung Karno (GMNI UBK), Forum Pemuda Kota Bekasi (FORDASI), Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia (GRI), Aliansi Perlawanan Rakyat (APR), Kesatuan Buruh Transportasi Indonesia (KBTI), Serikat Pekerja Hukum Progresif (SPHP), Serikat Bajaj Jakarta (SEBAJA), Jaringan Rakyat Miskin Kota (JRMK), INFID, INDIES, LP3ES, MIGRANTCARE, UPC, UPLINK, PBHI Nasional.
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