PRP was founded in the National Meeting for Left Unification on May 13th-15th 2004 in
Surakarta, Solo, Indonesia. All participants in the Meeting unanimously agreed on the
formation of the Preparation Committee for Unification which will work nationally. This
preparation is henceforth called the Working People’s Association - Preparation
Committee (KP-PRP).
It was a meeting designed to be the forum to exercise the will to unite among many
activists of mass organization — from student movement, progressive intellectuals,
popular culture artists, peasant activists, and trade unionists. From 15 provinces in
Indonesia they came and rounded up together in the spirit of gathering the collective
energy and strength towards a task to response the actual problems of political reality,
which were interpreted as:
First, It is a present fact that the power of national bourgeoisies and the neo-liberal are
the ones that really have led the way of democratic process in Indonesia in recent years
since the end of authoritarian regime of New Order. They have arranged the framework
for the governance, moreover now they have even been able to intervene against so
many agendas of the civil society organizations.
Second, in general the strength of social movements has been weakened in the sense
that the condition which enables them to develop so that they can be the bargaining
power of the people has been carefully controlled by the regime. Many social
movements have become some sort of state auxiliaries or were integrated into the
power structure of the national bourgeoisie and some even become the proponent of the
neoliberal regimes.
Third, the process of political reforms have failed to change the conservative character
of the power structure of national bourgeoisie, which have led to open the opportunity for
the capitalist to exploit and repress the working class, peasants, fishermen, and women.
In short, among the founders of PRP share the same analysis that the present
democratic problems of Indonesia is the domination of capitalist class in the political
arena while at the same time there is an absence of the working class power in politics.
The meeting raised a deep concern for the fact that, amid the rising politics of the ruling
class, the working people is losing their identity and unable to recognizes their own
interest in face of the political decision of the government which sides with the capital
owner. In other words, the Surakarta National Meeting conclude that rebuilding the class
politics of the working people is an immediate task to be carried on by the organization
that will be borne out of the meeting.
PRP then held its first congress on September 2006 in Jakarta. Among the many
important resolutions agreed on the Congress, one of the most important was the
resolution to put the organisation’s programme further as well as to enforce PRP’s
programme to build a working class’ party. The party building strategy of PRP was to be
developed in further national meetings of PRP. The second congress was held on
January 2009, and achieved a lot of progress in terms of expansions of branches,
increasing in membership, and bigger influenced had been acknowledge by many other social movements groups – from trade unions, feminists, human rights, up to
environmental activists — due to many of our intensive and persistence propaganda in
attacking capitalism as the source of so many suffering and deprivation experience by
the common people in Indonesia. PRP’s platform to endorse unification have also been
recognized in our practice to lead by example in form of developing political alliances
among social movement groups – the latest one is the biggest with the name,
Indonesian People Opposition Front (FOR Indonesia) – as the means to fight against so
many neoliberal policies of the Indonesian government. Alliances that we have built
always in national scope, so we can expand the influence and outreach to many groups
that resist in local level.
Fundamentals and Principles
Our fundamentals are the scientific principles of socialism and staying close to the mass
Our principles of action are class struggle, which are:
A politics of class will always fuse the proletariat to the economical, political, and
theoretical power (in ideology and consciousness).
The struggle for power in economy, politics, and ideology is done through the
organisation of proletarian party, however when the time comes, the People’s Council
will be the only tools of the proletariat to hold real power.
A party can only be called a proletarian party if and only if it is dominated by the
proletariat. Other classes inside the party are under the leadership of the proletariat and
focus their struggle for the victory of the proletariat.
One of the conditions for this domination of the proletariat is on the "class
composition" in the organisation; a proletarian party must be able within itself to be
dominated by the proletariat.
Since the majority of the proletariat is under the hegemony of the ideology of the
ruling class, then a vanguard organisation is needed, which will carry the burden to
further the consciousness of the proletariat in their back.
To become a vanguard, the organisation must be centralized in themselves, a
centralism which enables it to move in one body and soul. However, this centralism
cannot based merely on sole authority to the central leadership, but must be based on a
common understanding on the actions that should be taken in certain situation.
A class struggle can only be a true power if it is also based on internationalism.
Four Enemies of the Working People
The National Meeting in Solo (2004) also decided on the Four Enemies of the Working
People, the four powers which will obstruct the working people’s struggle in reaching for
their power and (through their power) obtaining prosperity. They are:
1) the Ruling bourgeoisie,
2) Imperialism,
3) Militarism, whereas in Indonesian context it still become the latent threats to
democracy and progressive politics, and
4) the Illusion of religious fundamentalism, whereas we conclude that such reactionary
consciousness have functioned to divert the people understanding of the problems that caused by the neoliberalism project and make them unaware of it’s danger and
implication that has deepen the disintegration of societal cohesion.
Our working program consists of ideological, political, and organisational program. The
ideological programs are political education, internal publications, mass publication,
distribution and translation of ideological materials, and ideological education for
members and cadres. PRP’s Political programs are
1) to put forward the demands for the proletariat’s prosperity in face of the bourgeoisie
2) to build a network of national and international party/organisation with the same
3) opposition to bourgeois power,
4) Anti-imperialism movement, and
5) to establish the conception of people power.
Our Organisational program is
1) to prepare a party with the characters of proletarian politics,
2) Building/expanding/empowering the organisation,
3) encouraging a mass organisation with the characters of the working people,
4) Building an independent source of logistics and funding,
5) an education in organisational expertise.
Organisational Structure
Congress is held once every three years.
National Assembly held once every years
The Central Committee of the PRP. Its members are:
Anwar “Sastro” Ma’aruf (National Chairperson)
Irwansyah (National Vice Chairperson)
Rendro Prayogo (General Secretary)
Dian Azizah (Treasury)
Agus Pratiwi (Chairperson of Organization Honourable Board)
Ruth Indiah Rahayu (Chairperson of Education and Propaganda Department)
Joko Sumantri (Vice Chairperson of Education and Propaganda Department)
Ari Yurino (Second Vice Chairperson of Education and Propaganda Department)
Alfa Gumilang (Chairperson of Organization Development Department)
Zainal (Vice Chairperson of Organization Development Department)
Asep Salmin (Second Vice Chairperson of Organization Development
Ign Mahendra K (Chairperson of International Department)
Desmiwati Wong (Chairperson of Financial Department)
Sinnal Blegur (Vice Chairperson of Financial Department)
Rini Kusnadi (Secretariat)
Komite Pusat Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja
JL Cikoko Barat IV No.10 RT 04/RW 05
Jakarta Selatan 12770
Email: komite.pusat