The Bangkok WSF 2006, originally planned as a S.E. Asia / E. Asia Social Forum,
has now been changed to a “Thai Social Forum”...
We sincerely apologise to all friends in Asia/Australia who were hoping to attend an international forum in Bangkok and who have put much work into the preparation for such a forum.
We ask for your understanding on the basis that a majority of Thai organizations felt unready to take part in an international forum this October, but were prepared to hold a “Thai Forum” .
Agreement from a meeting of 25+ Thai Organisations, held on Friday 5 May 2006, on the issue of the Bangkok 2006 Forum:
1. The Forum will be changed from an international forum (SEAsiaEAsia) to a “Thai Forum” (the minority dissenting view bowed to the majority wishes).
2. The Thai Social Forum will be held 21-23 October 2006 at Thammasart University.
3. Theme of Forum: “Thai Social Reform”.
4. It was agreed in principle to try to get wide ranging discussions across the boundaries of issue-based networks, to promote grass-roots participation and to include sectors which have traditionally been left out of previous meetings eg. Gender groups, Minority groups and new Student and Youth groups.
Steering Committee of the Thai Social Forum
1. AIDSHIV network
2. Labour Union Rungsit Area Committee
3. Thai Labour Campaign
4. American Center for Labor Solidarity
5. Thai Labour Solidarity Committee
N.G.O. Coordinating Committee
Consumers Association
Peoples Media Network
International Network of Disabled
Thai Disabled Association
Agriculture for Development
Peoples Coalition Party
Rainbow Sky
Focus On Global South Thailand
Forum Asia
Womens Coalition
Religious network
Urban Community Netwrok
Youth for Development
Action Aid
Ethnic Groups network
Next meeting of Steering Committee
Sunday 21 May, Thammasart Rungsit 10.00 Room 206 BR1 building
Secretary office of World Social Forum, Thailand
Giles Ji Ungpakorn tel (+66) 13469481 (+66) 22187221
email: thaiwsf
P.O. Box 2049 Chulalongkorn, Bangkok 10332 Thailand.