We, feminist activists, gathered together at the initiative of the Fourth International in Amsterdam on 13-17 July 2013, coming from the Caribbean, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Tunisia, express our full solidarity and support for the Egyptian women demonstrators and activists who suffer sexual, moral and physical violence aimed at systematically excluding them from public and political spaces and breaking their commitment to the revolutionary process.
These violations are a threat to their physical and moral integrity, to their individual and public freedoms as well as to their full citizenship and they are the expression of an unacceptable intention of maintaining patriarchal domination.
In the last month more than 200 women have suffered sexual and physical assaults, against which we protest. We denounce the complacency of the Egyptian authorities who do nothing to protect Egyptian women and do not recognize their responsibility to the survivors. We appeal to all revolutionary and democratic political forces and to all social forces to confront these attacks, which are far from being accidents or individual cases, but represent a well-organized policy by fundamentalist forces of all stripes, seeking to humiliate women and prevent them from continuing to be at the forefront of the revolution.
Long live the struggle of Egyptian women!
Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people for a better world!
Amsterdam, 16 July 2013