The reactionary and obscurantist forces such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Cham ( ISIS, known as Da3ech) and sister organisations practiced the worst kinds of violence and terror against the masses and activists, and exerciced takfiri and sectarian dirty practices including the burning and destruction of houses of worship of non-Muslims, such as churches and religious shrines,for example the most recent burning of the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Raqqa today. In the context of widening public awareness of the revolutionary masses there is a need to confront these fascist and reactionary counter-revolutionary groups, as it is necessary to continue the revolution against the oppressive Assad regime. Activists in Raqqa, following this event, have called for a demonstration against these counter-revolution forces in the city of Raqqa.
Overthrow and shame on the bloody bourgeois regime and the forces of counter-revolution
Victory of the People’s Revolution
All the power and wealth to the people
We call to demonstrate against the people who vandalized the church of Our Lady of the Annunciation and we demand respect for religions
Christian and Muslim are one
We have lived and will live as brothers
The people who practived these action only represent themselves and the Islamic religion is innocent of such acts
Call for a demonstration today 25/09/2013 at 9 pm in front of the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation to acquit ourselves in front of our fellow Christians and that we as young Muslims do not accept any harm to any church
The Revolutionary Left Current in Syria
Video of the demonstration in Raqqa to condemn the vandalization of the Church of the the Annunciation September 25th 2013