Articles on the Social Forums in India - including the Hyderabad Asian Social Forum of 2003 - are placed in the sub-section “Social Forums” of the “India” section.
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The section Social Forums (India)
MEHDI Feroz - 16 June 2006 India Social Forum 2006: The ruling classes and social movements
Indian Social Forum - 15 June 2006 The India Social Forum: Building Another Worlds: Visions for the Future
ROUSSET Pierre - 22 April 2004 World Social Forum: Reflections on the Indian process
VANAIK Achin - March 2004 Rendezvous at Mumbai
COCKROFT James, CALDWELL Susan - March 2004 Mumbai World Social Forum : new advances, old problems
BIDWAI Praful - 10 January 2003 A great movement is born