Calling for solidarity to denounce the leader of the Thai military junta . . everywhere he goes!
1 décembre 2014, 14:08
GeneralPrayuth Chan-ocha, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army - who conducteda military coup on 22 May 2014 (Thailand’s 12th since 1947) and appointedhimself Prime Minister of Thailand on 24 August - is flying to Malaysia on 1stDecember 2014, to discuss Thailand’s Southern Conflict with the Prime Ministerof Malaysia, and he will be in Busan, Korea 11 – 12 December to attend a Korea-ASEANsummit, and probably make to visit Japan directly after that.
Besides havinggravely insulted the long struggle of Thai people for representative,democratic governance, Prayuth’s criminal regime represents a threat to thedevelopment of peace and democracy throughout South-East Asia and the world. TheThai military holds the record for military coup d’états in the ASEANcommunity: 19 coups since 1946. This Thai-style military interventionism in civilianand political life may not be tolerated and must not be allowed to re-establishitself as an acceptable style of governance within the ASEAN Community or in anyother part of the world.
Immediatelyafter his coup Prayuth imposed martial law all across Thailand, forbiddingpublic assembly of more than 5 people - except in tourist destinations. Many hundreds of people - leading politicians, academics, students andcommunity organisers have been and are being arrested, interrogated and detainedfor ’attitude adjustment’, being forced under threat of imprisonment to signstatements committing themselves to cease all activity opposing the Prayuth junta.
Prayuth’smilitary regime works to stamp down on all voices of opposition. On a dailybasis his regime is sending soldiers into university campuses and into villages- to any place where people gather, to arrest anybody considered a threat to theabsolute power of the regime. The Prayuth regime is using, increasingly, Article112 of the Thai criminal code - Thailand’s archaic law of lèse majesté, toarrest anybody it wants and subject them to trial in a military court, insecret, behind closed doors, in an increasingly desperate attempt to re-establisha new reign of injustice in Thailand.
Prayuthis a dictator. He cannot represent Thai people and must not be allowed toengage in any dialogue in the name of or on behalf of the people of Thailand.
Prayuth’sso-called ’National Legislative Assembly’ which, approved by the King, hecreated to replace the elected Parliament, includes 97 generals, altogether 200Prayuth cronies. Prayuth placed his brother (after raising his military rank)in command of the Third Army Region, which controls the dissident north. Heaims to ensure that all ministerial and all key positions in the civil serviceare taken by his own people. All media in Thailand is under heavy censorshipwith the military authorities attempting aggressively to bring use of theInternet in Thailand under their direct control.
It isvery clear that the purpose of the Prayuth regime is to ensure the return toabsolute power of the military and royalist elite. There is no sign thatPrayuth has any intention of allowing Thailand to return to the democraticprocess.
For thesereasons the concerned citizens of Thailand, of the ASEAN and all around theworld are calling for solidarity - for people all around the world to organize actionsfor the return of democracy to Thailand e.g. actions to denounce the appearanceof General Prayuth wherever he goes - especially if he is planning to arrive inyour country . . for instance by . .
Gatheringat 11.00 hrs in front of the Thai Consulate in Kaula Lumpa, Malaysia on 1stDecember 2014 . . to denounce Prayuth’sappearance as a Prime Minister of Thailand.
Note about Prayuth
From the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy, Prayuth Chan-ocha joinedthe 21st Infantry Regiment of the Queen’s Guard. He went on to become an activeorganiser of the military coup that in 2006 over-threw the democratically electedThai government. He then commanded the 40 000 troops of the Royal Guard thatwere used in the military crackdown on civilian protest in 2010 - when 100civilians were shot dead by the military and some 2000 wounded. The militarycoup that he commanded in May this year represents the consolidation of hisrise to power. Today, a military general in civilian disguise, General Prayuth,as a self-appointed Prime Minister, remains the Leader of the National Councilfor Peace and Order - the military set-up that controls the National Assembly.
This call is sent out by:
Actionfor People’s Democracy / ACT4DEM inThailand
International Solidarity to Abolish Thailand’s lèse majesté Law, Article 112
For more information contact:
ACT4DEM and piermoro