Five years after the Tunisian revolution,none of the successive governments seems to have any efficient solutions to the problems of unemployment and to alleviate the economic situation of underprivileged regions, victims of marginalization,endemic corruption and poor governance.
In fact, public authorities have remained completely disconnected from the harsh reality of Tunisians , mainly the most underprivileged classes , even at the risk of leading the near collapse of country , laying the ground for a widespread social explosion on a scale that no one could predict the impact.
Facing this long-lasting deadlock and attempts to stifle the protest movements that claim legitimate rights to dignity, employment and peaceful demonstration, the undersigned associations call for an international solidarity to support the protest movements of the unemployed youth, victims of precariousness and poverty, mainly in underprivileged regions, their rights to:
• Freedom of movement, often impaired within their own country;
• Freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration subjected to continual police harassment;
• Employment and equal regional development, clearly stipulated in the constitution
The undersigned associations fully support the protesters and call for the initiation of an effective dialogue with the public authorities so as to provide viable alternatives to the current status quo.
FTDES Tunisie
CRLDTH Tunisie
FMAS Maroc
Nomad 08 Redeyef – Tunisie
CNIJT Tunisie
OMLP (Observatoire Marocain de libertés publiques) Maroc
Collectif Démocratie et Modernité Maroc
Action Jeunesse / FMAS Maroc
Forum Associatif Safi (FAS) Maroc
RAJ Algérie
ATFD Tunisie
AFTURD Tunisie
Fédération nationale des associations Amazigh
IDD - Maroc
LTDH Tunisie
LADDH Algérie
CLA Algérie
ACDA France
Association des familles des prisonniers et disparus saharouis (Sahara Occidentale)
Plateforme Euro Marocaine MDCD
FOBDEC (Forum Beni Zali pour le développement et la communication)
Forum vérité Justice Maroc
Syndicat Nationale de l’enseignement Maroc
Fédération démocratique de travail Maroc
CMODH (Coordination magrébine des organisations de droits Humains)
CDSM : Collectif pour le droit à la santé au Maroc
CDP : comité pour le développement et la patrimoine France