It is not the first time that I use this quote from Benjamin Netanyahu as a title of my post, and, from today, I will make the title of all my chronicles that will deal with the decisions of the government and the knesset that contradict Jewish culture - or rather Jewish cultures - through generations.
I do not believe in the existence of a single Jewish culture, as I do not believe in a single Muslim or European or Chinese culture: during the we find in these cultures everything and the opposite, the best and the worst. I believe, however, that I would call a ’Jewish-European experience’ of two millenaires and made essentially of exclusion, racism and persecutions. I insist: Jewish-European: The Crusades, the inquisition, the dreyfus affair and the judeocide Nazi have not been the cause of Muslim culture, and in the Arab countries the Jewish minorite has not known anything similar. In the absence of Benjamin Netanyahu, Adolf Hitler did not need the advice of the Mufti of Jerusalem to plan and implement the final solution, and it was the sultan of Morocco Sidi Mohammed (Later King Mohammed v) who opposed a What His Jewish subjects bear the yellow star, not king leopold of Belgium or queen Juliana of Holland. The Genocide of the Jews of Europe is 100 % ’made in Europe’, produced by nearly two millenaires of civilization.
The So-called “Civilization Judeo-Chretienne” is a racist mystification, and as jeannette mandouze said, my extraordinary teacher of classical and courageous anti-Nazi resistante, a trait of union often excludes a third: Judeo-Christian excludes Muslims from The So-called civilization. However, the link between Judeo and Christian what has been done for nearly two thousand years? Blood. If we want to talk about a civilization in which Jews have been an essential and legitime component, let’s talk about the four centuries of Andalusia, the western civilization summit, or the Iraqi civilization until Zionism is to rot les relations. - Muslims in this country... nothing to see with the Jewish existence in Europe, or the moments of calm and relative harmony are the exception and not the rule, until the th century.
It is therefore not a coincidence that the place of Jews in European emancipation movements has been so important, particularly in socialist movements: their situation as outcasts pushed them in the first line of fighting for rights and justice. It was when they met the national sovereignty, a sovereignty based on dispossession and expulsion of indigenous peoples, which they became “like all peoples” [claiming the hebreux in the biblical era, that the prophetes destestaient], or rather Like all colonial peoples. No better, no worse. That’s when they forget what it’s like to be a Jew.
If they had not forgotten, they would not have been able to vote, and in an emergency procedure [sic], the new law on “expulsion and retention of Asylum-seekers”. this is a barbaric law That violates international law and conventions that the state of Israel had ratified. It is a law that spits out the history of our grandparents who have been so often asylum-seekers after having been forced to flee the persecutions and other pogromes. Benjamin Netanyahu and the 71 deputes who voted this law have once again forgotten what it is to be a Jew. Yes, we have become like all peoples, like the worst of nations.
International conventions require signatory states to give asylum to those who risk their lives in their country of origin. This is certainly the case with thousands of asylum seekers who came from eritrea and darfur... before Israel built a wall at its border with the Sinai desert. In hypocritical hypocrisy, Israel does not send asylum seekers to their countries of origin, but... in Uganda and Rwanda. All Blacks look alike, all blacks are brothers, right?
Hundreds of testimonies of Asylum-seekers in their countries are in agreement: in Uganda and Rwanda it is not the solidarity of the people who are waiting for them, but hatred and repression, violence and rape. What further strengthens the racist discourse of the dirigeants leaders: if black people are to traient other blacks, why should we show more consideration? To vomit.
To throw up even more when you hear the former labour party president, Yitshak Herzog, who justifies his vote in favour of the new law by the fact that “Infiltres” have taken jobs for Arab workers. What the president of the Arab list unifiee, the depute aiman odeh, replied that on this subject also the labour party is only the pale copy of the right, and that it is not by inciting one against the other The excluded communities will convince him that he represents an alternative.
Michael Warschawski