Melenchon said Tsipras, who reneged on promises to help workers, pensioners and the poor, went too far in imposing limits on the right to strike and going after worker that are the backbone of the left.
“For the PG (Parti de Gauche,) as undoubtedly for other parties of the European Left, it has become impossible to be associated in the same movement with Alexis Tsipras’s SYRIZA,” Melenchon’s leftist party said in a statement.
The PG said it felt sorry that Tsipras is promoting “the logic of austerity to the point of restricting the right to strike, thus responding in an increasingly submissive way to the orders of the European Commission,” and Greece’s international lenders.
In a response on Twitter, the leader of SYRIZA’s group of MPs in the European Parliament, Dimitris Papadimoulis, described Melenchon’s demand as “anti-democratic, provocative and divisive,” but not inaccurate.
Tsipras though continues to embrace Capitalist demands and move away from his party’s alleged principles, including sending a text message Germany’s Social Democratic Party leader Martin Schulz, a former European Parliament President, urging him to ignore his left wing and cooperate with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union.
Tsipras came to power in 2015 promising to bring a Leftist revolution across Greece before surrendering to Capitalists and international lenders and has seen SYRIZA dissidents break off after accusing him of betraying the Left.
TNH Staff