A regional meeting for members organized by National Liberation Party of Unity (Partai Persatuan Pembebasan Rakyat Nasional, PAPERNAS), is intimidated by a group which called themselves the Anti-Communist Group of Indonesia (FAKI)!
The meeting which supposed to be a follow-up meeting after PAPERNAS Congress in January, is currently held at Selekta Hotel, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia.
According to report, there are about 100 mob armed with sharp weapons gathering outside the meeting venue and forcing the orgainsers to stop the meeting. But the participants in the PAPERNAS meeting determined to proceed.
This is not the first time PAPERNAS being intimidated by right-wing mob.
The formation of the electoral party, PAPERNAS, is an initiative by progressive political party, Democratic People’s Party (Partai Rakyat Demokratik, PRD) together with labor unions like FNBPI (National Front for Indonesian Workers’ Struggle), SPB (Workers’s Solidarity Union) and Automotive Union, as well as student organizations like the Buddhist Students Organisation and the LNMD (National Students’ League for Democracy), and the Urban Poor Movement (SRMK). The new party will be aiming on bringing together different grassroots struggles against neoliberalism and religious fundamentalism.
The founding congress of PAPERNAS which has being held on 18-20 January, was disrupted by right-wing militia who called themselves FAKI (Fron Anti-Komunis Indonesia). Amidst violent threat, the founding congress with about 400 participants continued in a very tense situation. The congress also elected Agus Jabo Priyono as Chairperson and Haris Sitorus as a general secretary.
Solidarity Needed
Please fax your protest to East Java Police Headquarters at +62217218141
Please also call up or send text messages to Chief Police General Sutanto at +62818315703
Urge the Indonesian police to act immediately to stop the mob attack against PAPERNAS meeting.
Released by,
Choo Chon Kai
International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia
For further information, or sending solidarity message to comrades in PAPERNAS, please contact dpp_papernas yahoo.com or +62 21 8305819 or +62 815 843 68608 (Katarina Pujiastuti, International Department, KP-PAPERNAS) or +6281771122 (Dita Sari)
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