On March 8, 1921 Lenin wrote a message for International Women’s Day, in which he said, ’... you cannot draw the masses into politics without drawing in the women as well. For under capitalism the female half of the human race is doubly oppressed .... by capital, but over and above that......... deprived of some rights because the law does not give them equality with men; and secondly .......they remain in household bondage....’
The situation of women today is not markedly different. As workers, women who form half the workforce remain exploited with low wages, a 12-hour workday, forced overtime, job insecurity and oppressive working conditions. Some external conditions might have changed today, such as air-conditioned workplaces, but the stark reality is that women a hundred and fifty years ago and now have the same basic demands of a just wage and an 8-hour workday.
In the family and household, housework and child raising continue to fall on the shoulders of women. Working women are expected to double up and perform ’women’s work’ after 8 - 12-hours toil at the workplace. The burden is even heavier on the increasing numbers of single mothers and wives of dysfunctional men (alcoholics, addicts etc).
In society, there is rampant violence against women and institutionalized second class treatment of women such as laws allowing polygamy, and rulings related to women’s attire.
It is in the interest of the capitalist class to divide the working class by gender, and to weaken it with its propaganda. The working class as a whole loses its bargaining power and strength when female workers, who are viewed as docile, are given priority over male when it comes to employment. Portraying women as mindless and obsessed with their appearance guarantees the thriving of the multi-billion ringgit cosmetics and look-good industry.
The second-class treatment of women under the capitalist system is an obstacle to the emancipation of the working class of men and women. Working men and women have to stand together as comrades to confront and overthrow the capitalist system.
Working men must see equal rights and equal status for women as strengths and not as a threat, and must work together with women to abolish all kinds of gender oppression.
Working men and women of the world unite!
Released by
Rani Rasiah
Central Committee Member PartI Sosialis Malaysia
International Bureau
Socialist Party of Malaysia / Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)
No.22A, Lorong Vivekananda, 50470 Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Tel: +60-3-22747791, (mobile) +60-19-5669518
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email: (headquarters) psmhq tm.net.my
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