Ndlr : Ndongo Samba Sylla traite longuement de la question de la dette en Afrique, critique les insuffisantes mesures de suspension prises par le G20 et plus largement le système capitaliste dans son ensemble, système profitant avant tout aux classes dirigeantes et dominantes. Pour lui, il faut abolir les mécanismes néocoloniaux défendus par les grandes puissances, dont la Chine, et créer un modèle civilisationnel alternatif, privilégiant l’humain, pour l’auto détermination des peuples.
The Covid-19 pandemic has generated interlocking crises at multiple levels. ESSF is providing thematic and geographic coverage in English and French.
View all articles using keyword Coronavirus/Covid-19 (EN). To display English and French articles, use Coronavirus / Covid-19 (EN, FR).
Our regional and country pages include articles on labour and community struggles, the abuse of emergency powers and other topics. Use the continent tabs at the top of the page to find the country or group of countries that interests you.
Public health issues are mostly in country-specific health/epidemic pages (European Union, Great Britain, France, USA, Pakistan, India, Philippines,Malaysia, etc.) This page presents a selection of articles of regional or global relevance.
We have also selected a few articles with a global political analysis, as well as a few articles tracking the emergence of global progressive movements related to the pandemic.
We are increasing our coverage of left parties’ and movements’ declarations and proposals. See for example these pages for the European Union countries.
ESSF is raising funds for the Labour Relief Campaign in Pakistan which supports workers and families impacted by the pandemic. We will announce other solidarity initiatives in the coming days and week.s
New articles on our site are highlighted in periodic updates by Mark Johnson.
Mireille Fanon-Mendès France
Ndongo Samba Sylla
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