We’re small. We’re powerful. We’re anti-nuclear. We are grass-root oriented. And we are proud of what we have achieved. We are anxious to go on, serving people with important information and skills. We have existed since 1978, in a small office with seven people working at WISE Amsterdam.
We focus primarily on our role as networker. Nevertheless, we also like to be involved in campaigns and (direct) actions. We are fully aware of the fact that political and social changes (needed to tackle the nukes) only happen if enough pressure is being put on decision-makers. Of course, the ways in which groups undertake actions vary, due to cultural differences and the situation you’re working in. We get involved if we think the action being undertaken makes sense, and is most effective and appropriate to the situation. Unfortunately, we don’t have time to attend to all the actions we’d like to. It is a strong wish on the part of WISE Amsterdam to run its own campaigns. But when this is not possible, we will join and support others.
Our approach to information sharing amongst social movements is built on quality and content. It is not the amount of information that counts but the kind of information. Over the last 20 years of networking among grassroots organizations, WISE Amsterdam has built up its expertise in this respect. This is based on knowing and respecting the organizations and people in the network; what kind of organization is it? what kind of activities does it undertake? what kind of information does it need? It is also based on trust. The organization that collects, translates and disseminates the information must gain the trust of the networking organizations involved, and the information provided must have quality and political meaning.
We do research. On request. Mostly paid, but also for free, depending on the organization which commissions the research. Research goes from highly technical subjects to more socially and politically oriented in-depth studies. About the use of MOX fuel, about European reactor-builders, about nukes and climate change. The history of the anti-nuclear movement, how many accidents in nuclear installations did happen in the last 10 years, et cetera.
We are open for any request. Of course depending on time possibilities, almost everything can be discussed.
Having been part of the international anti-nuclear movement for 25 years (and with a staff similarly involved), we have gained an organization tremendously rich in experience. We have our ideas on strategic action planning, on media work, on research, on running a magazine, a library, and we are willing to share those skills and experience.
Questions, questions, we get loads of them. Although we consider it one of the most important tasks we have, it is almost impossible to do more than we do now. So keep asking, but be patient as well!! If you have a question, ask it here: http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/.
We welcome visitors, people working on the same issues from all parts of the globe. As we run a very small and extremely busy workplace, we cannot always spend as much time as we would like with our guests. But especially if you make an appointment, we will be glad to have you visit our place. To exchange, to research, to take a look at the library, to discuss campaigns or general work, to even do some work for yourself.
WISE/NIRS Nuclear Monitor . Twenty-five years, twenty issues a year, and sometimes more. We think we are running the last regular internationally distributed magazine solely on nuclear issues. Although from time to time we discuss the necessity of publishing as many as 20 issues a year, we are encouraged by the positive response we get from people saying they highly appreciate the way the Nuclear Monitor serves their needs, especially because of the frequency of publication. There are also Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian versions of the Monitor available.
Back issues of the WISE News Communique and the WISE/NIRS Nuclear Monitor can be found here: http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/
WISE has an amount of smiling sun stickers and batches (several languages). You can see and order them here: http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/.
P.O. Box 59636
1040 LC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31-20-612 6368
F: +31-20-689 2179
E: wiseamster antenna.nl
W: http://www.antenna.nl/wise/