WFTU is an international labour organisation established 76 years ago of which the KASBI is an affiliate.
During the commemoration which was held as part of a series of actions marking one year since Law Number 11/2021 on Job Creation (Ciptaker) came into effect, KASBI issued the 10 demands of the people (sepultura). The Jobs Creation Law came into effect after being signed by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on November 2, 2020.
Action coordinator Siti Heni said that the demonstration was just one of many organised simultaneously in various corners of the globe.
“During this action today, we from KASBI are carrying out a national instruction for KASBI members in all regions of Indonesia to commemorate the establishment of the WFTU”, said Heni.
Aside from Bandung, WFTU commemorations were also held in other part of West Java such as Karawang, Subang, Bekasi and Indramayu. Outside of West Java, actions were held in Central Java, East Java and Kalimantan.
In addition to commemorating the WFTU’s anniversary, the workers also called for the 10 people’s demands.
This included demanding the annulment of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation and all of its derivative regulations, rejecting the abolition of the sectoral minimum wage and the reinstatement of this as it was before the Job Creation Law, an end to arbitrary sackings and a halt to the criminalisation and arrest of activists.
Then, providing equal rights and protection for domestic and migrant workers, promoting all family planning and fishery educators to state civil servants, demanding guarantees and protection for workers in different sectors, providing free Covid-19 vaccines for all workers and Indonesians, demanding a full investigation into corruption at the Social Security Management Agency (BPJS) and the corruption of Covid-19 pandemic social aide and rejecting the sacking of 58 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees and that they be unconditionally reinstated as KPK employees.
“Today, in this struggle we are inspired by KASBI, our goal is to move the hearts of those who have not yet been moved to take action. Because the [impact of] the Omnibus Law has not just been felt by KASBI but all clusters, such as workers, fisherpeople, students and others”, said Heni.
During the protest action, one of the workers could be seen carrying a poster with the message, “Revoke the Omnibus Law and all its derivative regulations”.
The rally, which had been taking place since earlier this afternoon, resulted in Jalan Diponegoro being closed and police redirecting traffic to prevent congestion. (hyg/kid)
CNN Indonesia
Translated by James Balowski.
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