2020 was a particularly dark year for Asian populations, with the Covid-19 pandemic hitting communities already weakened or threatened by social crises (poverty...), climatic crises (rising sea level, typhoons...), more or less natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions...) as well as political ills (ever more repressive regimes...) In addition to all this, 2021 brought the military coup in Burma (Myanmar) and a flood of refugees from Afghanistan, mostly into Pakistan.
Led by our regional partners, we have initiated political and financial aid to the Myanmar resistance which is facing an all-out war led by the military junta. We initially conceived this solidarity as a short-term support to the general civic strike that started in the aftermath of the putsch, but it has become a long-term project. In 2021, we have succeeded in providing a new stream of support to Myanmar without reducing our support to existing partners in Pakistan, the Philippines, Bangladesh and Indonesia. This is the result of a special effort from ESSF’s regular donors, as well as special donations from a wide range of countries including the United States, Canada, Japan and various European countries...
We must prepare for a 2022 that will not be any more lenient than 2021. The Burmese junta currently receives enough support from neighbouring countries to continue its all-out war against the resistance. Our partners in Pakistan need to provide whatever help they can to Afghan refugees with whom they often already have close ties. We are also considering providing modest financial support to the Thai opposition movement facing persecution for the “crime” of lèse-majesté (insulting royalty)
The Covid-19 pandemic is evolving unevenly across countries. Even where it is declining, in South Asia, it can rebound at any time. Indonesia became a regional epicenter for a while. The new epidemic wave in Burma is more deadly than the first one, mainly due to the interruption of the former civilian government’s vaccination program. In the Philippines, the health situation remains particularly serious and the responsibilities of our partners remain unchanged: they have to deploy and maintain the whole pandemic response system (isolation facilities, oxygen cylinders, distribution of vaccines, etc.) while the Duterte regime is repressing independent associations. Our Philippine partner organisations lost two of their members as a result of the infection.
We have benefited from exceptional financial support in 2021, compared to the previous year. It is important that this higher level of committment is sustained in 2022.
ESSF supports the action of our partner associations and networks, without substituting for them. The initiative, the “thinking head” of sour olidarity is in Asia, not in Europe. The Burmese crisis illustrated this well this year. We would have been hesitant to engage in sustainable aid to the people of Myanmar if our partners had not asked us to do so. And we would not have known how to provide that aid if our Asian partners were not able to verify the effectiveness of the support sent, in a very shifting and complex situation.
Donations to ESSF can be “earmarked” by indicating the country your donation is intended for. All other donations are treated as contributions to our Asia Permanent Solidarity Fund and distributed according to emergencies to our partners, namely:
– the MiHands coalition of associations based in Mindanao, in the southern Philippines
– the “Free Women” movement in Indonesia,
– the farmers’ associations BKF-BKS and their allies in Bangladesh,
– the Labour Education Foundation (LEF) and the Crofter Foundation in Pakistan.
In order to continue our activities and to build up the permanent solidarity fund of ESSF, we need your help, as a one-off donation or a regular transfer.
In January 2022, we will report on the funds received by ESSF and delivered to our partners in 2021..
We warmly thank all those who have contributed to the solidarity - and all those who will do so in the future...
Pierre Rousset and Adam Novak
ESSF, November 25, 2021
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As an association, ESSF functions without any form of remuneration, on an entirely militant basis. Thus 100% of donations received are transferred to our recipients in Asia. Bank charges and currency exchange fees are the only significant costs related to these transfers, and are reduced to a minimum (less than 5%). ESSF does not “export” our own projects. We help movements to respond to humanitarian, social and democratic emergencies based on their involvement on the ground and their own perception of priorities.
To send donations
cheques to ESSF in euros only, payable in France, to be sent to:
2, rue Richard-Lenoir
93100 Montreuil
Bank Account:
Crédit lyonnais
Agence de la Croix-de-Chavaux (00525)
10 boulevard Chanzy
93100 Montreuil
ESSF, account number 445757C
International bank account details :
IBAN : FR85 3000 2005 2500 0044 5757 C12
Account holder : ESSF
Through PayPal
You can send money through Paypal: see the PayPal button on ESSF English home page: http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?page=sommaire&lang=en
Through HelloAsso
You can also send money through the association HelloAsso: see its button on ESSF English home page: http://www.europe-solidaire.org/spip.php?page=sommaire&lang=en
Or go directly to:
We will keep you regularly informed via our website regarding the use of the solidarity fund.