❤️🩹 We provided a lot of financial help to people that were left in hot spots and to those who were forced to leave their homes and move to safer cities.
❤️🩹 We also provided some help to a hospital and a few volunteers in hot spots.
❤️🩹 Few groups of local Territorial Defence Forces were also supported.
The main chunk was taken on buying medication - to people, to a hospital and to Territorial Defence Forces. Our activists also bought and delivered food, clothes, gas etc. You can check a more detailed financial report as an attached image.
In the last weeks we also helped a lot of people with their evacuation informationally and with their accommodation in new places. According to the UN, 6.5 millions of Ukrainian people became internally displaced in order to save themselves and their children from war and many hundreds of thousands are yet to come. The main Western Ukrainian cities are so overloaded with people that it can be called an infrastructure collapse. So we have this idea of renting a business space in Lviv and remaking it, so some displaced people can be accommodated there, because living spaces have been in deficit for weeks now.
We continue collecting funds to support Ukrainian people in their struggle and survival in these inconceivable times. We’re going to spend money on the same basic needs of our target groups - medicine, food, transportation etc. We appreciate your solidarity and will continue making financial reports.
🏦 Multi Currency bank account for Humanitarian support:
Beneficiary: Yuliya Yurchenko
IBAN: GB86HBUK40142801446495
Name of Bank: HSBC bank
Email: margerinescotch gmail.com

Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social Movement) Ukraine
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