He supports, for example: France’s National Rally, who used to be known as the National Front; Germany’s neo-Nazi National Democratic Party, whose early leaders were mostly former Nazi Party members, and whose 1940’s Nazi forerunners killed tens of millions of mostly Russian Soviet citizens, most of them civilians, and deliberately starved to death millions of mostly Russian Soviet prisoners of war; the Alternative for Germany; and the Austrian Freedom Party, whose leaders have included former members of the Waffen SS, who were of course heavily involved in killing tens of millions of mostly Russian Soviet citizens.
Putin’s father, who was also called Vladimir, was a Soviet soldier who fought against the Nazis, so I doubt that he would have been impressed by his son’s cosying up to neo-Nazis, or by Putin’s admiration for the Russian fascist writer Ivan Ilyin, who supported the Nazis until Hitler said that the Slavs were an inferior race.
Ilyin also supported Mussolini.
Former Alternative for Germany leader Frauke Petry was given a free private jet flight to Moscow by the Putin regime. While in Russia, she met with Russian MP’s close to Putin, and with the leader of the extreme right Liberal Democratic Party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, whose party always support the Kremlin line, and who has in the past called for nuclear weapons to be used against Germany.
You can read about other Alternative for Germany and National Democratic Party collaboration with the Putin regime in this German news magazine article. One particularly despicable example of Alternative for Germany collusion, was members of its Young Alternative youth wing attending a conference called “Donbass: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, at which attendees would no doubt have been presented with Putin’s justifications for violently stealing part of Ukraine.
Western neo-Nazi parties who sent representatives to a Putin-backed 2016 St. Petersburg conference included Greece’s Golden Dawn, and Germany’s National Democrats.
These conferences are organised by Rodina (Motherland in English), an extreme right party which, according to the prominent Russian journalist and Putin critic Anna Politkovskaya, who was later assassinated, was set up by Kremlin spin doctors to draw voters away from the National Bolsheviks, who were a syncretic, extreme right-extreme left ideology party.
As you can read in this article, Russia is also now home to, “a new global alliance of far-right groups called the World National-Conservative Movement.”
Putin is of course the real leader of this global extreme right group, which was created by his Rodina supporters.
As you can see from this WNCP membership list, the extreme right parties who are part of this “conservative” global group do not in fact include any conservative parties, but they do include neo-Nazis like Germany’s National Democrats, Greece’s Golden Dawn, and Scandinavia’s Nordic Resistance Movement, who aim to turn the 5 Scandinavian countries into a single neo-Nazi state.
The NRM have been banned in Finland for being violent and openly racist.
The last party on the WNCP list, under Rodina, the Russian Imperial Movement, reveals what this new “conservative” group is really about.
In the days of the Soviet Union, its leaders aimed to maximise its imperial power through the Comintern (Communist International) and Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) global Communist groups, and Putin’s new global extreme right group serves exactly the same function.
Stalin’s Comintern lap dogs in the world’s Communist Parties would do what their leader in the Kremlin told them to, and now a new Kremlin leader is trying to build up another army of loyal lap dogs.
Putin even has a Stalin type gulag system, which uses torture, and wants to ensure that Russians forget about Stalin’s gulags, which is why a prominent gulag researcher who had uncovered mass graves from Stalin’s era was jailed for 13 years on fabricated charges, and why the names of Stalin’s victims are now being quietly erased from official records.
Even the Putinophile Trump administration branded the Russian Imperial Movement a terrorist group.
After the RIM provided 2 Swedish neo-Nazis from the Nordic Resistance Movement with paramilitary training, they carried out 2016 terrorist attacks in Gothenburg.
UKIP do not seem to be extreme enough for Putin and his new extreme right wing Comintern, but past UKIP leaders Nigel Farage and Diane James have still expressed their admiration for him.
The Dutch Forum for Democracy is also clearly not extreme enough for the Kremlin, but its leader has called Putin “a beautiful guy..”
Italy’s League party is, again, clearly not extreme enough for Putin, but its former deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini, is another of his admirers.
On the 2018 anniversary of Mussolini’s date of birth, Salvini tweeted “Many enemies, much honour”, a phrase which was almost identical to one of Mussolini’s most famous sayings.
One of the League party’s former government ministers, Lorenzo Fontana, has called for an anti-fascist law to be repealed.
Salvini also agreed to join another international extreme right group, the Movement, which was set up by Donald Trump’s pro-Putin former adviser, Steve Bannon.
Other extreme right parties who have agreed to work with the Movement are UKIP, France’s National Rally, Belgium’s People’s Party, and the Brothers of Italy.
The Austrian Freedom Party have not thrown in their lot with Steve Bannon, but they, and Salvini’s League party, have signed a cooperation agreement with Putin’s United Russia party.
Former Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache, who used to be Austria’s vice chancellor, was openly neo-Nazi during his youth.
Just before the Freedom Party became part of Austria’s government in 2017, its 51 MP’s, including Strache, stopped wearing their usual blue cornflowers, which are a symbol of the 1930’s Austrian Nazi movement (in that decade, they were worn as a secret sign of support for the Austrian Nazis after they were banned).
All of the parties I have been discussing win votes by posing as enemies of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism, but they are of course happy to ignore the now huge list of extreme right-wing party and group members and supporters who have been convicted of terrorist offences, and to team up with a terrorist in the Kremlin.
Putin was the director of the FSB, one of the successors of the KGB, from 1998-1999, before becoming Prime Minister in 1999, and became popular after he was put in charge of the 1999 invasion of Chechnya, in the wake of 4 “Chechen” apartment block terrorist bombings in Russia, which appear to have been perpetrated by some of his FSB officers, who were caught planting a 5th bomb in an apartment block in Ryazan. The bombings killed 293 people.
The apartment block bombings led directly to him becoming president, because the war that they created a pretext for, massively increased his popularity. As the chosen successor to Boris Yeltsin, who had a 2% public approval rating when Putin became prime minister, it had seemed impossible for Putin to be elected president, but the bombings and the war changed all that.
People who have tried to investigate who was really behind the apartment block bombings have been murdered, as have other critics of Putin and his regime.
The apartment bombings, and the involvement of the FSB in the planting of the 5th bomb, are discussed in this American PBS TV documentary about Putin’s grotesque history of extreme corruption, which is of course normal for fascist regimes.
For example, the Nazis stole more war loot (gold, art treasures, etc.) than any regime in history, which is why the western democratic Allies had to create a special unit to try to return the huge numbers of artworks that the Nazis had stolen from museums, art galleries, churches, and wealthy Jews to their owners; Mussolini abolished the last vestiges of Italian democracy, and seized dictatoral power when it appeared that he was about to be arrested or impeached for corruption; Franco printed money so he could steal large amounts of it; and Pinochet became very wealthy from his army and secret police selling cocaine to the US and Europe.
Former Guardian Moscow correspondent Luke Harding’s “Mafia State: How One Reporter Became an Enemy of the Brutal New Russia” (Guardian Books, London, 2012) shows how under Putin, his regime and Russian organised crime have become twoIan sides of the same coin, which would explain why some of Putin’s FSB officers were so corrupt, that they appear to have murdered 293 Russians to create Russian public support for a war. That book is also important to read if you want to understand Putin’s influence over another leader of the terrorist-infested extreme right, Donald Trump, who allegedly has extensive ties to Russian organised crime.
Craig Unger’s “New York Times” bestseller, “House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia” (Dutton, New York, 2018) is about those alleged Trump-Russian organised crime ties.
Luke Harding’s “Collusion: How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win the White House” (Guardian Faber, London, 2018) is a “New York Times” number 1 bestseller that explains how Putin’s regime helped to put Donald Trump in the White House.
So should we be surprised that Trump’s attacks on the FBI and US Justice Department investigation into his election campaign’s alleged links to Russia targeted 3 officials who had, “extensive experience in probing money laundering and organised crime, particularly as they pertain to Russia”?
Bella Caledonia
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