Dear friends,
This year has been full of challenges, determination and important achievements. The end of the year is a good time to remember our achievements and small victories, especially in these difficult times when despondency and disappointment go hand in hand with the need to act.
This year, the Department for Education and Science has been generous with its anti-social education legislation, which has prompted us to launch our “Against the Knowledge Drain” campaign. As part of this, we opposed the reorganisation of universities and organised mass demonstrations to prevent the destruction of Tavria National University (TNU) and the Ukrainian Academy of Printing (UAP). In addition, a working group worked to prevent the introduction of the scandalous anti-social reform of state funding of education.
In the second half of the year, we focused on improving conditions in the dormitories and university buildings. At the NLTU, thanks to the efforts of students and the union, we collected a collective complaint with 146 signatures and forced the administration to start repair work. At NAU, despite many years of problems in the dormitories, the shower rooms have been repaired. A protest action at LNU against delays in repairing dormitories No. 2 and No. 3 resulted in reports of clear deadlines for the work. At NAOMA, students filed a collective complaint to improve basic sanitary conditions in the dormitory and increase the temperature in the classrooms. We sincerely hope for a positive response from the university management as a New Year’s present.
At the same time, the life of our union has been rich in cultural and educational events. We published and presented the magazine “Dii” [Act] in Kyiv, Odessa and Lviv. We organised a “free school” to exchange ideas and experiences, and launched film clubs in our main offices in Kyiv and Lviv. We have also created a separate space for open dialogue and thought development - the ’Free Readings’ book club.
The increase in the number of activists contributed to the need to improve the union’s structure. The second congress looked at the key issues of organisational development. As part of this work, a new anti-discrimination department was created to combat inequality, as well as a legal department to provide legal support to members.
This year was also marked by major international events. We took part in international meetings in Poznan and Lviv, discussing the challenges facing students and looking for solutions through the exchange of international experience.
This year, we organised a colourful ’free market’ in Kyiv and were delighted to see our TikTok reach its first 18,000 views!
We’d like to thank everyone who has supported us this year, joined in our initiatives and inspired us to keep moving forward. New challenges and no less important achievements await us.
We wish you strength, inspiration and confidence in your own abilities in the New Year.
Happy New Year to you all!

Priama Diia
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