Last update: September 17, 2020
— « The Peculiarities of Vietnamese Communism », in Tariq Ali ed., The Stalinist Legacy. Its impact on 20th-Century World Politics, Penguin Books, 1984, pp. 321-344.
— «Internationalism and Anti-Imperialist Solidarity», in Peter Waterman, The Old Internationalism and the New, a reader on labour, new social movements and internationalism, The Hague 1988.
Note: Contribution to the workshop on social movements and internationalism: “Understanding Internationalisation and Internationalism”, sponsored by the Social Movements Priority Area, Institue of Social Studies, The Netherlands.
— « The World Social Forum : A new framework for solidarities » (10 mars 2005), in Darwis Khudori editor, Bandung 2005: Rethinking Solidarity in Global Society. The Challenge of Globalisation for Social and Solidarity Movements. 50 Years after Bandung Asian African Conference 1955 Preliminary Work, Ghadjah Mada University, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Science & Yayasan Pondok Rakyat (People’s Shelter Foundation), Action-Research Group on Urban Develoment, Yogyakarta, 2005. [Translated into Duch]
— “The Karachi Social Forum and Its International Significance”, in Jai Sen and Peter Waterman, eds, forthcoming (2008) - Changing Worlds : Emerging World Movement and the World Social Forum. New Delhi : OpenWord.
— “Marxism(s), Revolution, and the Third World. Toughts on the Experiences of Successive Generations in Europe and East Asia”, chapter 6 pp. 154-173, in Sucheta Mazumdar, Vasant Kaiwar & Thierry Labica (eds.): From Orientalism to Postcolonialism: Asia, Europe and the Lineages of Difference, Contemporary Asia Studies, Routledge: London and New York 2009.
Note: Shorten version of the contribution presented at the conference : “Mapping Difference : Structures and Categories of Knowledge Production”, 19-20 may 2006, Franklin Center, Duke University, United States. The complete version of this contribution is available in French on ESSF website.
— Member of the Editorial Board and author of contributions on China, Philippines, Thailand, and the WSF in Immanuel Ness (ed), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
— & Sally Rousset: “1982-1992: IIRE’s First Decade” in Joost Kircz & Murray Smith, Living our Internationalism. The first 30 years of the IIRE, IIRE (Amsterdam) & Resistance Books (London) 2011, pp. 19-37.
— “Maoism: contributions and limitations” in Au Loong Yu, China’s Rise: Strength and Fragility, Resistance Books, IIRE & Merlin Press (London), 2012.
Essays, studies and reports
— “The Vietnamese Communist Party” [November 1972], International vol. 2 number n° 3, summer 1974, pp. 8-18. [This the translation of the final three chapters of the first edition of the book Le parti communiste vietnamien, published in 1972 in France (Maspero ed.].
— “The formation of Russian Marxism”, Working paper n° 2 of the International Institute for Research and Education, IIRE Amsterdam novembre 1988. [Detailed outlines of reports]
— “The Chinese Revolution”. “Part I: The Second Chinese Revolution and the Shaping of the Maoist Outlook”, and “Part II: The Maoist Project Tested in the Struggle for Power”, Notebooks for Study and Research n°2 (January 1987) and n°3 (May 1987), International Institute for Research and Education, Amsterdam.
— Roman, “The Philippines: First Lessons of the Revolution”, International Marxist Review, vol. 2, n° 4, Winter &987. [Edited version of the report and summing up given in the discussion on the Philippines at the Fourth Intenational’s Executive Committee meeting in June 1987.]
— Roman, “Philippine discussion postscript”, International Marxist Review, vol. 3, n° 1, Summer 1988.
— “Taxation of Capital and Control of Capital Movement; A Democratic Struggle”, Asia Pacific Assembly (APPA), The Issue Forum on Privatisation and Financial Deregulation, 11th-12th November, 1998, presentation paper, mim., 5 pages.
Pierre Rousset published articles in many periodicals as Ampo, Argument pour une écologie solidaire, Croissance des jeunes nations, Ecologie politique, Greenleft Weekly, Hérodote, Inprecor, International, International Marxist Review, International Socialist Review, International Viewpoint, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Le Grain de sable (Attac), Le Monde diplomatique, Les autres voix de la planète (France), Les autres voix de la planète (CADTM), Links, Page Deux, Philippines Information, Politis, Rouge, Quatrième Internationale, Revue internationale des livres et des idées (RILI), Viento Sur, The Bullet, No Borders... Le Bulletin des naturalistes de la Vallée du Loing et du Massif de Fontainebleau, L’Epeichette (bulletin du CORIF), Ornithos... As well as on various websites (to begin with ESSF’s).
Note: I some times used pen-names, as Paul Petitjean (articles on South-East Asia in International Viewpoint), Sirli de Dupont and Antoine Tessour (in Rouge), René Durel (in Croissance des jeunes nations, or party pseudonymes (in chronological order: Tony, Sterne and Roman).
World situation
— “What could be the international implications of Donald Trump’s election? Questions on the evolution of the global geopolitical situation”, ESSF, 26 February 2017:
and International Viewpoint, 19 March 2017:
— “Trump and the global disorder”, Socialist Worker, April 7, 2017 [same article as above]:
— “Where Can the Conflict Between the United States and China Lead?”
• ESSF (4 February 2020)
• International Viewpoint (9 February 2020):
• Asian Marxist Review (February 14, 2020):
• Left on the Move (27 FEB 2020):
— “The Vietnamese revolution and the role of the party”, International Socialist Review, February 1974.
— “South Vietnam: Political and Economc crisis of the Saigon regime”, Inprecor n° 0, 9 May 1974.
— “China’s Foreign Policy: the ’three worlds’ of Teng Hsiao-ping”, Inprecor n° 2, 20 June 1974.
— “’Government of National Union’: a third time”, Inprecor n° 3, 4 Jul. 1974.
— Interview of Y. Sakai, “Japan: After the election & the spring offensive”, Inprecor n° 7, 5 Sept. 1974.
— “Indochina: on the eve of a new dry season”, Inprecor n° 10, 17 Oct. 1974.
— “The FUNK gains ground”, Inprecor n° 13, 28 Nov. 1974. [As all the articles written before the second half of the 1970s, this one shows how little was then known of the Khmers rouges].
— “Vietnam: Imperialist Positions Disintegrate”, Inprecor n° 18, 31 Jan. 1975.
— “Cambodia: the dry season offensive”, Inprecor n° 21, 13 March 1975.
— “After the October days in Thailand: an ambiguous situation”, Inprecor n° 21, 13 March 1975.
— “Indochina: the imperialist debacle”, Inprecor n° 23, 10 April 1974.
— “Permanent Revolution in Vietnam”, Inprecor n° 26, 22 May 1975.
— Paul Petitjean, “Malaysia: Repression and Confrontation”, Inprecor n° 37, 6 Nov. 1975. [This articles owed a lot to the articles of Marcel Barang in Le Monde diplomatique]
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: growing class polarisation”, Inprecor n° 38, 20 Nov. 1975.
— “Vietnam: from liberation to reunification”, n° 42, 22 Jan. 1976.
— “Nine Months After the Victory: Vietnamese Foreign Policy”, Inprecor n° 44, 19 Feb. 1976.
— “Thailand: After the April 4 Election”, Inprecor n° 50, 29 April 1976.
— “Vietnam: elections and reunification”, Inprecor n° 52, 27 May 1976.
— “Qestions on the Cambodian Revolution”, Inprecor n° 53, 10 June 1976.
— “Japan: Lockheed Scandale Deepens Political Crisis”, Inprecor n° 59, 7 Oct. 1976.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: the military coup, a civil war measure”, Inprecor n° 63, 25 Nov. 1976.
— “Fourth Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party”, Inprecor n° 67, 10 Feb. 1977.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: the Communist Party and the resistance to the dictatorship”, Inprecor n° 4 (new series), 14 April 1977.
— Paul Petitjean, “A Long Resistance”, Inprecor n° 5 (new series), 28 April 1977.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The Marcos regime against the guerrillas”, Inprecor n° 10 (new series), 7 July 1977.
— “Cambodia: The Nationalist Relapse of a Communist Current”, Intercontinental Press vol. 15 N° 21 (644), 6 June 1977. [Originally published in French in Rouge, April 22, 1977]
— “Cambodia: Background to the Revolution”, Journal of Contemporary Asia vol 7, n° 4, 1977.
— “Origins of the Conflict Between Hanoi and Phnom Penh”, Intercontinental Press vol. 16 N° 8 (240), 27 Feb. 1978.
— “The Deepening Conflict Between Peking and Hanoi”, Intercontinental Press vol. 16 N° 39 (1138), 16 Oct. 1978.
— “The Japan-China ’Peace and Friendship’ Traety: A Kick in the Teeth of the Peoples of Asia”, Intercontinental Press vol. 16 N° 47 (1372), 11 Dec. 1978.
— “Roots of the Conflict: The War Between China and Vietnam”, Intercontinental Press vol. 17 N° 12 (320), 2 April 1979.
— “The Situation in Kampuchea Today: Imperialists Step Up Pressure on Indochinese Revolutions”, Intercontinental Press vol. 17 N° 46 (1252), 17 Dec. 1979.
— Paul Petitjean, “Evolution of the Thai and Philippine Communist Parties — Part I — A new period of growth and political discussion”, Intercontinental Press vol. 18 N° 40 (1109), 27 Oct. 1980.
— Paul Petitjean, “Evolution of the Thai and Philippine Communist Parties — Part II — Still hampered by the legacy of Maoism”, Intercontinental Press vol. 18 N° 41 (1145), 3 Nov. 1980.
— Review: "Jonathan Fast and Jim Richardson, Roots of Dependency: Political and Economic Revolution in the 19th Century Philippines in Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 12 n° 1, 1982.
— “Vietnam: Fifth Congress of Communist Party — A time for self-criticism”, Intercontinental Press vol. 20 N° 46 (644), 26 July 1982.
— “Self-Criticism at Fifth Congress of Vietnamese CP”, International Viewpoint n° 12, 2 Aug. 1982.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: Communists debate political perspectives — Militants reject Maoist formulas”, Intercontinental Press vol. 20 N° 3 (62), 1 Feb. 1982.
— Paul Petitjean, “The Philippine dictatorship in Crisis”, International Viewpoint n° 37, 3 Oct. 1983. Reproduced uner the tittle “Philippines: The dictatorship in crisis” in Intercontinental Press vol. 21 N° 20 (610), 31 Oct. 1983.
— Paul Petitjean, “Growth of the Philippine revolutionary movement”, International Viewpoint n° 38, 17 Oct. 1983. Reproduced under the tittle “New rise in Filipino revolutionary movement” in Intercontinental Press vol. 21 N° 21 (700), 28 Nov. 1983.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The crisis of the Marcos regime”, International Viewpoint n° 68, 28 Jan. 1984.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: Growing guerrilla movement fueled by peasant desperation”, International Viewpoint n° 49, 26 March 1984.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: The crisis of the CP and the left”, International Viewpoint n° 49, 26 March 1984.
— Paul Petitjean, “The Philippine election rigged and opposition divided”, International Viewpoint n° 59, 17 Sep. 1984.
— Interview with a leader of the RCL in Japan, “The tragedy of the far left”, International Viewpoint n° 68, 28 Jan. 1985.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The crisis of the Marcos regime”, International Viewpoint n° 68, 28 Jan. 1985.
— Interview, “Indochina: Ten years after the victory (1)”, International Viewpoint n° 76, 20 May 1985.
— Interview, “Indochina: Ten years after the victory (2)”, International Viewpoint n° 77, 3 June 1985.
— Paul Petitjean & Sonia Rupon, interview with Roland Simbulan “Philippines: Crisis continues to deepen”, International Viewpoint n° 82, 16 Sept. 1985.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: Elections will not solve the crisis of the dicatorship”, International Viewpoint n° 92, 10 Feb. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: Marcos left isolated in the face of rising mass movement”, International Viewpoint n° 93, 24 Feb. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: After the fall of Marcos”, International Viewpoint n° 95, 24 March 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “The decisive tests facing the Aquino government”, International Viewpoint n° 97, 21 Apr. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: After the election: reassessment in the revolutionary left”, International Viewpoint n° 100, 2 June 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: Communist Party makes a self-criticism”, International Viewpoint n° 102, 30 Feb. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The trajectory of the left forces that supported Cory Aquino’s campaign”, International Viewpoint n° 103, 14 July 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thai CP begins to overcome its crisis”, International Viewpoint n° 104, 15 Sept. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: Interview with a member of the CPT Central Committee”, International Viewpoint n° 104, 15 Sept. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean & Sonia Rupon, “Philippines: Bitter harvest for the sugar workers of Negros”, International Viewpoint n° 106, 13 Oct. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The end of the first Aquino government”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The end of the first Aquino government”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Filipino leaders plain their perspectives”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, interview with Edidio “Ed” de la Torre, “Philippines: ’Who are the Volunteers for Popular Democracy?’”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, interview with Jose Maria Sison, “Philippines: ’Founding the People’s Party’”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, interview with Francisco “Dodong” Nemenzo and Randolfo “Randy” David, “Philippines: ’Bisig, an openly socialist force’”, International Viewpoint n° 110, 8 Dec. 1986.
— “Vietnam: A watershed party congress”, International Viewpoint n° 112, 26 Jan. 1987.
— Paul Petitjean, “A temporary and fragile success for Cory Aquino”, International Viewpoint n° 114, 23 Feb. 1987.
— Paul Petitjean, “Aquino scores another personal triumph”, International Viewpoint n° 123, 29 June 1987.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: A year of debate in the Communist Party”, International Viewpoint n° 123, 29 June 1987.
— Paul Petitjean, “Aquino under the shadow of the guns”, International Viewpoint n° 126, 28 Sept. 1987.
— Paul Petitjean (with Sonia Rupon), “Philippines: Assassination of a militant - Declarations on the murder of Lean Alejandro”, International Viewpoint n° 127, 12 Oct. 1987. [See “erratum”, International Viewpoint n° 128, 26 Oct. 1987, p. 8.]
— Paul Petitjean, “Democracy Aquino-style”, International Viewpoint n° 136, 7 March 1988.
— Paul Petitjean, “Aquino attacks the workers’ movement”, International Viewpoint n° 137, 21 March 1988.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The exemple of Camarin”, International Viewpoint n° 137, 21 March 1988.
— Paul Petitjean, “Communist Party leaders in danger”, International Viewpoint n° 140, 2 May 1988.
— Paul Petitjean, “Amnesty International denounces human rights violations”, International Viewpoint n° 141, 16 May 1988.
— “Vietnam: Feature 1968-1988 - The Tet offensive”, International Viewpoint n° 142, 30 May 1988.
— Paul Petitjean, “Counter-insurgency, terror and democracy”, International Viewpoint n° 176, 25 Dec. 1989.
— Paul Petitjean, “Coup reveals fragility of Aquino regime”, International Viewpoint n° 176, 25 Dec. 1989.
— “Imperialist diplomacy and the Cambodian civil war”, International Viewpoint n° 183, 23 April 1990.
— Introduction to Against the Current’s interview of Ernesto Arellano, “Working for Labor Unity”, International Viewpoint n° 185, 21 May 1990.
— Paul Petitjean, “Rights of Asylum for Jose Maria Sison”, International Viewpoint n° 193, 29 Oct. 1990.
— “Vietnam: Mounting tensions before Communist Party Congress”, International Viewpoint n° 201, 4 March 1991.
— “Disent and Repression in Vietnam”, International Viewpoint n° 204, 15 April 1991.
— “Vietnam: A new era of world peace?”, International Viewpoint n° 209, 24 June 1991.
— “Vietnam: A new era of world peace?”, International Viewpoint n° 209, 24 June 1991.
— Paul Petitjean, “New Debates on Philippine Left”, International Viewpoint n° 211, 22 July 1991.
— “Vietnam: An opaque Congress”, International Viewpoint n° 213, 30 Sept. 1991.
— “Cambodia: Will the United Nations bring peace?”, International Viewpoint n° 220, 20 Jan. 1992.
— “Vietnam: Political prisoners released”, International Viewpoint n° 220, 20 Jan. 1992.
— Paul Petitjean, “Thailand: The May massacre”, International Viewpoint n° 230, 8 Jun. 1992.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: Martial Law general takes presidency”, International Viewpoint n° 236, 12 Oct. 1992.
— Paul Petitjean, “An open crisis in Philippine Communist Party”, International Viewpoint n° 241, 21 Dec. 1992.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippines: The crisis of the CP and the left”, International Viewpoint n° ??????.
— Interview with Badrul Alam. “Bangladesh: The peasant associations BKF-BKS in the struggle against the effects of climate change and for solidarity”, CADTM, 5 August 2015:
— “Chinese geopolitics: continuities, inflections, uncertainties”, CADTM, 30 October 2018:
— “Pakistan, hostage of the Religious – The radical Left in Resistance”
ESSF (article ), art International Viewpoint
Left on the Move
— “Hong Kong: Democratic Rights Under Threat, More than Ever!”, Asian Marxist review, May 14, 2019:
— “Covid-19: Asian contrasts and lessons”, CADTM, 7 August, 2020:
— “Democratic Movement Attacks the Established Order in Thailand”, No Borders, November 7, 2020:
— “Democratic Movement Attacks the Established Order in Thailand”, The Bullet, November 11, 2020:
— “Myanmar: Terror, Resistance & the Stakes — A New Political Situation”, Against the Current No. 212, May/June 2021:
— “Burma/Myanmar: From civil disobedience to armed resistance – what new Burma can emerge from today’s challenges?”, International Socialism Project, June 23, 2021 11:
— “XXth CONGRESS OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY — Xi Jinping: from one-party dictatorship to one-clique dictatorship”, Jana.LK. October 29, 2022:
— “On the European Union’s crisis and the dynamics of resistance”, CADTM, 19 August 2012:
— “The presidential election (2) - the revolutionary campaign”, Inprecor n° 1, 6 June 1974.
— “France: The Legacy of anti-colonialism”, International Viewpoint n° 205, 29 April 1991.
— “France: The tottering Fifth Republic?” (Interview by Lisa Macdonald), Links n° 11, January to April 1999.
— “France: Toward the Foundation of a New AntiCapitalist Party”, Amandla!, . This article, initially written for Amandla! was also posted on other websites: International Viewpoint n° 406, November 2008, http://www.internationalviewpoint.o.... Under the title “A new party of the French left”, Socialist Workers A second, longuer, version of this article has been posted later on ESSF and other website: France : What is New in the Foundation of a New Anticapitalist Party?
— “The NPA Seven Years On: Project, Reality and Questions”
— “The Yellow Vests Sruggle and the French Crisis”
ESSF (article ), art
International Viewpoint
Left on the Move
Ecology, ornithology
— , Thorns David, “The avifauna of the Parc des Beaumonts : list of species identified”, 9 octobre 2007. *
On Pierre Rousset
— “Rousset Père is a Gaullist, Rousset Fils is a revolutionary, but they are Two Who Bridge the Generation Gap”, by Sanche de Gramont, The New York Times Magazine, September 29, 1968. [Sanche de Gramont ended his lengthy article writing: “Pierre Rousset has bet me that within the next calendar year he will be in jail again.” I was wrong by one year.]
Dutch / Flemish
— Grenzeloos, 2 april 2017, Escalerend geweld in de Filipijnen:
In de Filipijnen is steeds meer sprake van een oorlogstoestand. Democratische vrijheden worden fundamenteel bedreigd. Sinds de verkiezing van Rodrigo Duterte tot president is er sprake van een ’...
Available also on the website of the SAP-Rood (Belgium):
– Grenzeloos, 2 december 2015 - De aanslagen van 13 november in Parijs: de terreur van Islamitische Staat, de noodtoestand in Frankrijk en onze verantwoordelijkheden
Solidariteit met de slachtoffers! Op 13 november veranderde de nationale en internationale politieke situatie. Islamitische Staat (IS, Daesh) had weer en nog krachtiger toegeslagen. In januari, waren...
– Grenzeloos, 30 november 2015 - The Hunger Games 4 – Revolutie is geen feest
’De revolutie is één groot feest!’ Alzo sprak kameraad Bart ergens halverwege de jaren zeventig van de vorige eeuw. Nou had kameraad Bart toen al wel beter kunnen weten. Maar hij was verbonden aan de...
– Grenzeloos, 3 november 2015 - De globale vluchtelingencrisis en de crisis van de Europese Unie
Sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog, hebben er nooit gedwongen volksverhuizingen op een dergelijk grote en dodelijke schaal plaatsgevonden – zo riskant en gevaarlijk, waarbij zo veel vluchtelingen onder...
– Grenzeloos, 19 juni 2015 - François Vercammen
Op dinsdag 16 juni is in een verzorgingshuis in Leuven op 69 jarige leeftijd François Vercammen overleden. François was tientallen jaren een van de leidende figuren in de Belgische sectie van de...
– Grenzeloos, 28 januari 2015 - Charlie Hebdo – Hoe nu verder ? Welke betekenis, welke uitdagingen stelt deze gebeurtenis?
’Wil je de klassen en hun strijd niet meer ? Je zal het plebs en wetteloze massa’s krijgen. Wil je niet weten van volkeren? Je zal meutes en stammen krijgen. Je wil geen partijen? Je zal het...
– Grenzeloos, 22 juni 2014 - Bloed en Barricaden
Kapitalisten en socialisten hebben zo hun lessen getrokken uit de Commune van Parijs van 1871. Van allebei kan het motto worden samengevat tot: ’Dat nooit meer!’. In de lente van 2014 heeft Dennis...
– Grenzeloos, 27 september 2013 - Vietnam in het voetspoor van China - “Het is beter nu, maar...”
Veertig jaar geleden moest Amerika bij de Parijse Akkoorden erkennen dat ze de Vietnamoorlog had verloren. Twee jaar later, in 1975, trokken de troepen van het communistische Noord-Vietnam en de...
– Grenzeloos, 24 juli 2013 - Het China van de contrarevolutie
In een van de openingssalvo’s van de Chinese Culturele Revolutie verklaarde Mao Zedong dat ‘vertegenwoordigers van de bourgeoisie’ de communistische partij waren ‘binnengeslopen’. Als de tijd rijp...
– Grenzeloos, 10 april 2013 - Een spiraal van provocaties
Het uitroepen van de ’staat van oorlog’, het positioneren van raketten, dreigen met preventieve aanvallen, waarschuwingen aan buitenlandse ambassades... Het dictatoriale regime van Noord-Korea voert...
– Grenzeloos, 24 oktober 2011 - Repressie in Pakistan
Sinds meer dan een maand kampen activisten in de noordelijk regio Gilgit-Baltistan met gewelddadige repressie. Elf augustus vuurde de politie met scherp op demonstranten die herstelbetalingen eisten...
– Grenzeloos, 20 september 2011 - Repressie in Pakistan
Sinds meer dan een maand kampen linkse activisten in de regio Gilgit-Baltistan, nabij de Himalaya, met gewelddadige repressie. Verschillende activisten werden opgepakt, onder hen Baba Jan, actief in...
– Grenzeloos, 8 maart 2009 - Tibet verdient steun
De protesten zijn niet beperkt tot de Tibetaanse hoofdstad, Lhassa, maar hebben zich uitgebreid naar Chinese provincies met een Tibetaanse gemeenschap. Ooggetuigen melden omvangrijke mobilisaties in...
– Grenzeloos, 17 maart 2007 - Ernest Mandel: Rebel tussen droom en daad
Al in de vroege jaren zestig was Mandel in Duitsland een veelgevraagd spreker, naar wiens adviezen geluisterd werd. De econoom Elmar Altvater beklemtoonde later dat zonder Mandels theoretische...
– Grenzeloos, 18 augustus 2002 - Asia Pacific: birth of a new internationalism
The Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) of Australia initiated these regional meetings; the first was held in Sydney in 1998. They reflect a long experience of Asian solidarity work in Australia (...
– Grenzeloos, 18 augustus 2002 - Philippines: regroupment under fire
From 1975 to 1985, the Phillipine revolutionary movement was dominated by the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines. The imposition of martial law in 1972 ended the initial pluralism of the far...
– Grenzeloos, 18 augustus 2002 - Power of the Working Class
The violence of the anti-Communist repression is not the only cause of this. The geopolitical situation of the peninsula (near to the USSR, China and Japan), the terrible war of 1950-1953, the...
– Grenzeloos, 1 maart 2002 - A great leap forward
A new international solidarity was developed at Porto Alegre at a time when the Argentine crisis shows the bankruptcy of the neoliberal model and Washington is engaging in a policy of \’permanent war...
– Grenzeloos, 1 juli 2001 - Hostages of Indonesia’s political crisis
As if they had consulted the agenda of the seminar, since militarisation was scheduled as the next topic of discussion. Pakistan was to have been the illustration, but instead we passed directly to a...
– “De oorlog op Mindanao is nog niet afgelopen!”
De bijeenkomst in Den Haag werd gehouden op initiatief van BISIG Nederland, de Nederlandse afdeling van een van de kleinere socialistische bewegingen op de Filipijnen. De ongeveer honderd deelnemers... Grenzeloos, 2 november 2000.
— “Internationalismus und antiimperialistische Solidarität”, die Internationale n° 36/III - 1990. [See above: «Internationalism and Anti-Imperialist Solidarity», The Hague 1988, with an explanatory note].
— “Sri Lanka: laatste waarschuwing (tot nu toe)”, Grenzeloos, 4 mei 2019:
— “Sri Lanka: Voorlopig laatste waarschuwing”, SAP Antikapitalisten, 14/05/2019:
— “Waar kan het conflict tussen de Verenigde Staten en China toe leiden?”, Grenzeloos, 12 februari 2020:
— “Het conflict tussen de VS en China”, SAP Antikapitalisten, 20/02/2020
— “Baba Jan en zijn kameraden eindelijk vrij!”, Grenzeloos, 30 november 2020:
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippinen: Sanfter Übergang”, Inprekorr n° 179, 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippinen: Reformmodell Aquino”, Inprekorr n° 180, 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippinen: Die Debate in der Linken über en Wahlboykott”, Inprekorr n° 185, September 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippinen: Probleme türmen sich vor Cory Aquino”, Inprekorr n° 185, Oktober 1986.
– Dukumente des IV Kongresses der CPT/Inteview, Inprekorr n° 185, Oktober 1986.
— Paul Petitjean, “Philippinen: Die Kommunistische Partei übt Selbstkritik un braucht eine neue Tatik — Boykott war falsch”, “Krise in der Koalition Bayan: ’Wir müssen die Vater-schaft beanspruchen”Bfreiungs-theologie auf philippinisch", Inprekorr n° 186, Oktober 1986.
— Paul Petitjean und Sonia Rupon, Philippinen, “Die Entwicklung auf Linken”, Inprekorr n° 190, Februar 1987, pp. 15-16.
— Paul Petitjean, Philippinen, Interview mit José Maria Sison, “Die Gründung des Partido ng Bayan”, Inprekorr n° 190, Februar 1987, pp. 16-18.
— Paul Petitjean, Philippinen, Interview mit “Randy” David und “Dodong” Nemenzo, “Bisig: eine sozialistische Kraft”, Inprekorr n° 190, Februar 1987, pp. 16-18.
— “ATTAC - Eine Volksbildungsbewegung, ausgerichtet auf Aktionen”, Inprekorr, Nr. 353 (März 2001).
— “Asien - Pazifik: Internationale Asien-Pazifik-Solidaritätskonferenz”, Inprekorr, Nr. 372/373 November/Dezember 2002).
— “Zweites internationales Treffen von radikalen Parteien”, Inprekorr, Nr. 402/403 (Mai/Juni 2005).
— “Philippinen: Kämpfe um den Frieden auf Mindanao”, Inprekorr, Nr. 406/407 (September/Oktober 2005).
— “Philippinen: Einheitsdynamik bei der radikalen Linken”, Inprekorr, Nr. 406/407 (September/Oktober 2005).
— “Südkorea/Gewerkschaften: Für das Recht auf Organisation und gegen neoliberale Politik”, Inprekorr, Nr. 408/409 (November/Dezember 2005).
— “Aufruf zur Unterstützung der Labour Relief Campaign in Pakistan”, Inprekorr, Nr. 410/411 (Januar/Februar 2006).
— “Indonesien: Java von einem Erdbeben erschüttert”, Inprekorr, Nr. 416/417 (Juli/August 2006).
— “POLITIK UND NATUR: Tsunami, Katrina, Kaschmir: Politische Reflexion über die sich häufenden Naturkatastrophen”, Inprekorr, Nr. 416/417 (Juli/August 2006).
— “China: 30 Jahre danach – Maos dritter Tod”, Inprekorr, Nr. 420/421 (November/Dezember 2006).
— “Repressionswelle in Pakistan”, Inprekorr, Nr. 428/429 (Juli/August 2007).
— “Für das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung des tibetischen Volkes”, Inprekorr, Nr. 438/439 (Mai/Juni 2008) [Aus: Rouge, 24. März 2008].
— “Die revolutionäre Arbeiterpartei-Mindanao (RPM-M) und die Linke auf den Philippinen”. Nr. 1/2011 (Januar/Februar 2011).
— “Kriegsschauplatz Pakistan,”. Nr. 4/2011 (Juli/August 2011).
— “Karatschi: Unternehmer terrorisieren Webereiarbeiter,”. Nr. 4/2012 (Juli/August 2012).
— “Solidaritätsfonds für Asien eingerichte”. Inprekorr Nr. 2/2013 (März/April 2013).
— “Zwei Jahre nach Fukushima”. Inprekorr Nr. 3/2013 (Mai/Juni 2013):
— “Nachruf: Jean-Michel Krivine (1932–2013)”. Inprekorr Nr. 4/2013 (Juli/August 2013).
— “China: Arbeiterklasse im Wandel”. Inprekorr Nr. 5/2013 (September/Oktober 2013).
— “China – Willkommen in der imperialistischen Liga”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 5/2014 (September/Oktober 2014).
— “China und das „Chinesische Meer””, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 1/2015 (Januar/Februar 2015).
— “Solidarität mit Baba Jan!”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 4/2015 (Juli/August 2015).
— “Weltweite Flüchtlingskrise und Krise der EU”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2015 (November/Dezember 2015):
— “China: Der chinesische Imperialismus”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 3/2016 (Mai/Juni 2016).
— “Säbelrasseln in Ostasien” Sozialistische Zeitung (SOZ), Nr. 6. 32 Jg. Juni 2017, pp. 19.
— “Wer ist Jean-Luc Mélenchon?” & “Die Linke zum Sieg führen auf den Trümmern des Parteien?” Sozialistische Zeitung (SOZ), Nr. 7/8. 32 Jg., Juli/August 2017 pp. 18-19.
— “Mélenchon, France insoumise, Populismus”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2017 (September/Oktober 2017):
— “Solidarität mit Baba Jan”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2017 (September/Oktober 2017).
— “Genozid in Myanmar”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2017 (November/Dezember 2017) pp. 31-33.
— “Korea: Verliebt in der Bombe?”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2017 (November/Dezember 2017) pp. 36-37:
— “Theorie: Überlegungen zur „Parteifrage“”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2017 (November/Dezember 2017) pp. 54-63.
— “Chinas Weltmachtambitionen” & “China heute: Einige Daten zu einer imperialistischen Macht” Sozialistische Zeitung (SOZ), Nr. 2. 33 Jg., Februar 2018 p. 14.
— “Korea im Kreuzfeuer der Geopolitik”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 2/2018 (März/April 2018).
— “Liebesgrüße aus Pjöngjang”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 2/2018 (März/April 2018).
— “Chinesische Weltpolitik”, Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2018 (November/Dezember 2018).
— “Stärke und Widersprüche der chinesischen Wirtschaft, Interview mit Au Loong-Yu” ), Inprekorr & die internationale Nr. 6/2018 (November/Dezember 2018).
[Many articles have been translated into Japanese, often published in Sekaikakumei (“World Revolution”), but are not yet mentioned here.]
— Vietnam Kyosantoh Shi, Tsuge Shobo, Tokyo 1974, 225 p. [Translation into Japanese of the first edition (1973) of Le parti communiste vietnamien]
— with Danielle Sabai, “Nihon: Hankaku-rentai, Kyuen-rentai”, Kakehashi, No.2129, April 11, 2011.. Translation of Japon : Solidarité antinucléaire, financière, sociale…, 22 March 2011.
— with Danielle Sabai, “Sizen-saigai, Genpatsu-saigai, Ningen-saigai, Shakai-saigai”, Kakehashi, No.2129, April 11, 2011. Translation of Japon : une catastrophe naturelle, nucléaire, humaine et sociale, 22 March 2011.
— “Nihon — Fukushima-genpatsu to shihonshugi no hiningensei”, Kakehashi, No. 2172, May 2, 2011. Translation of Fukushima ou l’inhumanité capitaliste, 18 April 2011.
— “Nihon — Kokusai-kyu’en no chuukan-soukatsu”, Kakehashi, No. 2173, May 9, 2011. Translation of Japon : un second point d’étape sur la solidarité, 21 April 2011.
— "Fukushima genpatsu reberu7 jiko — Genpatshu-robii to minshushugi no
hitei", Kakehashi, No. 217, May 16. Translation of Fukushima, un accident de niveau 7 – le lobby nucléaire et le déni de démocratie, 19 April 2011.
Interview (chinese edition ) on the French Yellow Vest Movement, Borderless:
— “Anarchizm i walka z kolonizacja pod koniec XIX wieku” (“Anarchisme et lutte contre la colonisation à la fin du XIXe siècle”), Le Monde diplomatique - Edycja polska [édition polonaise], no. 9 (43), september 2009.
Traduction de: Benedict Anderson et la révolution philippine de 1898 – Au temps de la première altermondialisation, anarchistes et militants anti-coloniaux à la fin du XIXe siècle
— “Droga do Nowej Partii Antykapitalistycznej”, Internacjonalista, Piątek, 20 Luty 2009 [“La voie vers un nouveau parti anticapitaliste”, traduction de: France : Qu’y a-t-il de neuf dans la fondation du Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste ? dated 21 November 2008.
* Available on ESSF website.