Jaukak Gulton, farmers activist, aged 66 who was actively struggling over the land conflict in Mariah Hombang village, Hutabayu sub district, North Sumatra Province was found lifeless on nearby land on 13 February 2008. His head to Chest was covered with Grass.
Peasant National League (STN) as well as Peasant Forum of Nagori Mariah Hombang (FNMH) firmly believed that he was assassinated as unusual evidences found in victims body.
Scars from sharp object on the back of his head and on his lip and stomach. The killer likely Scratched 5 on victims’ stomach as well as pour hot water to his body. His sleeper was still wear on his feet but burnt marked on his tarsus and bruise on his feet indicated unusual caused of his death.
Despite all those fact Chief of Simalungun Police Resort, Rudi Hartono confirmed that his death was caused by heart attack.
Head of National Peasant Union of North Sumatra province strongly believed Jaukak active involvement on land-conflict that has been lasting for the past two years was behind his death. .Jaukak had reported the threats to police but received no response at all.
Jaukak is one of the farmers who actively struggle over land conflict between Mariah Hombang Farmers with Kualung Gunung Lco. His struggle sent him to years in prison in 2002 and arrested with 16 other farmers in 2007.
Send your support to demand impartial and just investigation to
Indonesia National Police Headquarter
Fax: + 62-21-7218144
Email: info polri.go.id
National commission on Human Rights
Fax : +62-21- 3925227
Email : info komnasham.go.id
Please send the solidarity to
National Peasant Union (STN)
Fax +62218354514
Email: serikat.tani.nasional gmail.com
papernas yahoo.com
The National Liberation Party of Unity (PAPERNAS)