Following the holding of 4 World Social Forums in Brazil and one in India, it was decided that the W.S.F. in 2006 would be a multipolar affair. Asian delegates to the Asian WSF Consultation Committee, which met in early June 2005 in Sri Lanka, felt that there ought also to be a forum held in S.E. or E. Asia. Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and South Korea were suggested as possible sites. The proposed time frame was sometime between May-August 2006. However a second meeting to consider the location of this WSF, held in Bangkok on 16 th August 2005, was unable to come to a decision. A third meeting has been planned for early-mid October in order to come to a final decision on the location. This meeting never took place.
However, representatives of Thai social movements did meet on 2nd October 2005 to discuss the possibility of holding the Social Forum in Thailand. The meeting was attended by representatives from: Thai Volunteer Service, N.G.O.-C.O.D., Focus on Global South, Peoples Coalition Party, Workers’ Democracy, 4 Regional Slums Organisation, F.O.P., Y.P.D., Farmers University, Student News Centre, Forum Asia, Actionaid, IMFmetal, RRAFA, APWLD. Those present debated the advantages and disadvantages of a Social Forum in Thailand and discussed our strengths and weaknesses in holding such an event. Finally, a decision was made to put in a serious bid to hold the S.E. and E. Asian Social Forum in October 2006 at Thammasart University, Rungsit campus, just north of Bangkok. The site is ideal, with accommodation and a wide range of sizes of meeting rooms. Negotiations are in progress with the university. October was chosen since the university vacation is either March-June or October and the social forum would have to be held in the vacation.
In Thailand, we have now attempted to call broad-based meetings of all sectors of the Peoples Movement to discuss the necessary work. However, we face an uphill task of spreading the message and igniting interest. Many social movements and N.G.O.s are not prepared to put in the work to organise this event. We are therefore to raising funds to hire a couple of outreach workers who could visit movements and N.G.O.s to discuss their role in the WSF directly.
We understand that social movements in other S.E. and E. Asian countries have not shown an interest in hosting the regional WSF, but we may be misinformed. We are ready and willing to cooperate and listen to all views on this matter and we are ready and moving forward with preparations for a WSF event in Thailand in October 2006.
Pros and Cons of holding a WSF meeting in Bangkok
On the positive side, Thailand has a vibrant Peoples Movement, which operates in a reasonably democratic environment. Bangkok is a centre for tourist travel and therefore travel to Bangkok from other areas is relatively cheap. Living expenses are also reasonable. More importantly, the Peoples Movement would benefit from the experience of holding a WSF, both in terms of the process leading up to the meeting - different groups learning to work with each other and forging solidarity - and in terms of exchanges with neighbouring countries’ movements. A WSF meeting in Thailand would be a chance to raise the political level of the Peoples Movement beyond the present “single-issue” level found in most organisations.
However, on the negative side, it is unclear as to the general political commitment to the WSF process within many organisations in Thailand. Many organisations say that they are unable to commit any staff to organising the WSF due to their engagement in other projects. But despite this they are willing to participate. If the WSF is to be successful, it has to be an “inclusive” process, a free space for a multitude of Peoples Movement organisations with different politics and interests. The trade unions and the small farmers organisations will be crucial. No one single organisation could possibly host a WSF and if such a meeting was organised by a narrow group, it would not look like a Social Forum and would be a failure.
We are moving forward on raising funds and establishing coordinators for some sectors, such as labour (including migrant labour), youth and students, women, and movements in the northern city of Chiang Mai and the South. The next meeting of the WSF working committee in Thailand will take place on Wednesday 21 December where we shall discuss and report back on a number of topics: fundraising, expanding contact groups and programme content.
Preliminary list of topics and “host organisations”
We have sent out a general call for organisations to suggest topics for discussion at the Bangkok WSF and we are asking various organisations to “host” their topics or themes. We encourage “joint-hosting” (across national boarders too) so that meetings can be organised by many organisations working together in order to encourage solidarity and discussion. So far this is the list of preliminary topics and hosts. We expect to expand this in the coming months.
trade union network (based in the Textile Workers Federation but working with all groups) and Action Network for Migrants
1.Solidarity between local trade unions and migrant workers
2.Protecting quality of life, security of employment for all
3.The fight against privatisation
4.Political representation
5.Unity in the trade union movement
Assembly of the Poor.
6.Community Rights and disputes over natural resources
7.Solving the problem of Poverty
8.Occupational Health and Safety at the workplace and the environment
9.Political Crisis in Thailand. The way forward for the peoples movement. (Jointly hosted, so far, with the Peoples Coalition Party -PCP)
10. The role of religion in serving society. (Jointly hosted with the International Network of engaged Buddhists)
Thai Drug Users Network
11. The right to a diverse lifestyle (hoping to expand co-hosting to many groups including migrants, ethnic minorities and sexual politics groups)
12. Fighting for a Welfare State (jointly hosted with PCP)
Peoples Coalition Party-PCP
13. The danger of a Flu Pandemic
Workers Democracy
14. Socialism in Asia Today
We also hope to have a list of youth topics.
Thai WSF Steering Committee
1. Ms Wipa Daomanee, +66-16134792,
csi_edu (Organising Coordinator)
2. Ms Nuttarikarn Tongsomboon, +66-58348216,
nuttarikarn (representing Forum Asia)
3. Ms Arrunya Suwankesa, +66-98914181,
Apple15867, (Thammasart student)
4. Ms Wanpen Runan, +66-91454589,
yingpen, (representing RRAFA)
5. Ms Anusorn Chaiyaparn, +66-26511216, -65716661,
ngocod (representing N.G.O.-C.O.D .)
6. Ms Chanida Bamford, +66-65768130,
c.bamford (representing Focus on Global South)
7. Action Network for Migrants
action_migrants yahoo.com0-9788-7138
8. Moe Swe Action Network for Migrants
zawwinlwin88 0-9565-9899
9. Titi Soeutoro APWLD
10. Ji Giles Ungpakorn, Workers Democracy
ji.ungpakorn +66-1346-9481
11. Workers Democracy
12. Bookseller
0-2741-0688, 0-9131-8493
13. Thammasart University student
iwiit 0-9230-4968
14. Student
thai_mung 0-1256-5390
15. PCP
16. PCP
anuthee_sk124 hotmail.com0-1171-3370
17. PCP
18. Student Federation of Thailand
chotchaikit 0-4109-1187
19. Textile Workers Federation
phumpant 0-4095-8644
20. Watanasarn
viriya 0-2951-5725
21. Wimon Ungsununtawiwat