People present at the meeting :
Focus on the Global South: Nicola Bullard, Joseph
Via Campesina: Gilmar Mauro, Paul Nicholson
World March of Women: Diane Matte
Alianza Social Continental + Compa: Joel Suarez, Gonzalo Berron
Cadtm: Eric Toussaint, Sushovan Dhar
International Alliance of Habitants: Cesare Ottolini
Attac Japan: Yoko Akimoto
Jubilee South: Camille Chalmers (Papda), Vinod Raina
Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC): Jenifer Cox
Grassroots Global Justice: Chris Selig
Stop the Wall: Mareen Karlitzky + Daoud
India: PK Murthy
Structure of the facilitation group:
Networks/International Movements :
Via Campesina, World March of Women, CADTM, Jubilee South (2 people for each network coming from different continents). To be added to the group: Our World is Not for Sale, International Alliance of Inhabitants
Regional networks or organizations/ National movements :
América – Alianza social continental (1 person), COMPA (1 person), Global Justice Network (1), Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (1)
Asia – Focus on the Global South (1), India Social Forum (1)
Africa – Indaba Movement (1) + …
Europe – 2 people to be chosen during the European Preparatory Assembly of the ESF (European Social Forum). Next European Preparatory Assembly will be held in Stockholm in mid September 2007.
Middle East, Arab World: Stop the Wall + …
Synopsis of what the “Facilitation group” would be if agreement in the network :
The facilitation group aims to stimulate exchanges and convergences between the members of the global network of social movements. As part of the 2008 global day/week of action, that group should communicate relevant informations for mobilisation everywhere and stimulate the involvement of as many groups as possible to make of this day a success and show our collective strength.
The members of the facilitation group who were present at the Rostock meeting commit themselves to:
– Create a mailing list for the facilitation group
– Agree on the need to widen the mailing list of social movements. Contacts will be taken to integrate the emails of the Brazilian list already existing (Gonzalo)
– Reactivate and use the website of the global network of social movements to circulate our information and suggestions for maximummobilisation. (Gonzalo)
– Write (Vinod and Maren) and send a letter to be added to the Mobilisation Call for the 26th of January in order to stimulate the mobilization and explain what the call is about.
– Establish a link between the working group of the IC (WSF) and our facilitation group to avoid double work and misunderstandings. As several members are part of both IC and facilitation group, we’ll make sure to share the information.
– Identify the places where we can build short term mobilisation. It’s a common responsability of the whole network to facilitate the process with our knowledge of the differents networks.
– Exchange on future campaigns of some networks and see if convergences are possible.
– Emphasise the autonomy of the various movements in carrying out the mobilisation
We’ll ask to Babels to join us to insure the translation of our messages into three languages (English, French, Spanish). However, those of us who can send their messages in three languages straight away should do so.
Éric Toussaint for CADTM and Diane Matte for the World March of Women commit themselves to stimulate discussion and information exchange through a group which will be created within and for the facilitation group (Nicola).
The next facilitation group meeting will be held on 26 October in Belem (Brazil) before the WSF IC meeting. There, initiatives for global (and local) mobilisation will be reviewed and brought up to date.