Dear Comrades,
On behalf of The New Anti Capitalist Party (NPA) from France, I would like to express our solidarity with the comrades of the Democratic Labor Party who have attended the 10th congress of the party. We wish in particular to salute the efforts that you have made to build a strong progressive and popular political force, independent of the bourgeois State. At this time of historical global financial-economic crisis, it is more than ever necessary to build and consolidate strong workers parties. In all capitalist countries, the ruling class wants workers to pay for its failure and for that purpose is reducing basic democratic rights. This the reason why the government of Lee Myung-Bak is now suppressing the Democratic Labour Party which has courageously opposed the neoliberal policy of this government.
The NPA denounces firmly the harsh repression of the government of Lee Myung-Bak against the Democratic Labor Party and ask for the immediate release of all the militants arrested and the end of the repression. The DLP can count on the vigilance of the NPA and its active solidarity against the repression.
In Solidarity,
Jean Sanuk, for the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA), France